Milania almost being raped = Personal experience

Tina (disabled friend) = I have a friend in a wheelchair

Cynthia being homophobic and Milania standing up to her = A guy made my gay friend cry and I kind of blew up.

So many more. I put these things into my story but twist it a bit so I don't fully put the person out there.

I have stated this ages ago. So I don't care if you complain on what happened. I like putting personal experiences into my book because I get more invested into it. I feel it's more real to me.

When people put that down, it sucks. It pushes me away.

This brings me back to Radish.

People were complaining that the wattpad break was dumb because I'm still writing on Radish. No I'm not. The chapters were pre written so I put them there.

"But why didn't you put them on wattpad idiot?"

Because Radish doesn't upload them all at once. They automatically update a chapter each week. Wattpad doesn't. I said I'll be posting them when I'm back and that's not good enough. Then I gave ye the option of getting Radish (FOR FREE) and it gets update there every week.

But no, so many picky people don't get their way so they throw a fit. Such immature people. Or they post spoilers.

This is why I hate wattpad now.

It used to be amazing. People were so kind and it was a smaller community. It just changed for some reason and now everyone seems to act immature.

Okay not everyone.

A lot of you still support my decision so thank you so much for that!!

Anyway, reading all these comments. All the rude messages disgust me.

That brings me to my second point.

Last night, thinking of returning to wattpad soon made me sick. Thinking of all the horrible people being so rude to me.

I want to quit.

I'm sorry but I do.

I know I have nice people who comment but it seems like everyone's turning against me. Once again, I still have a lot of people to support me.

I'd rather all my haters unfollow me. Even if I was left with 100 followers, as long as they loved me and my books, I'd be happy.

Now Match Maid in Hell

Once again, a lot of ye CANNOT read omg. I always say I'm a sadist and I LOVE putting twists on my story. That's why I love TFIOS.

but ye read on.

I knew a lot of ye would hate the ending I origannaily had planned so I changed it so for the people who really hated the ending could continue.

Now I'm publishing the second one as ye know to get my thing going. Even one book out there would be amazing. It would probably be in early 2017.

So many people complained about not being old enough to have a card (I TOLD YALL LITTLE PEOPLE NOT TO READ MY BOOKS SO YOUR FAULT)

Even then I felt bad so I decided to pop it on Radish. So if ye really wanted it you could buy it through itunes.

Now people complaining it's not freemium. It's premium, you have to pay for the chapters.

If I put it freemium, why would people purchase it in the future? And those who did, it would not be fair on them. They spend money and others get it free? No.

It's only for people who really want a different ending anyway.

I even talked to my friend Kate about it. I asked her whether it should be freemium or premium and she agreed with my decision too. She said

 "I'd probably stick to the plan... Almost every single one of your llamas can get iTunes money or some kind of store credit that can get them coins.

You're finally getting in the big leagues and it's time you start thinking about your future and career."

So thank you Kate for helping, you'll probably read this and might even comment here xD



As I said I hate it lately. radish is so professional. The people are so lovely there and help in an instance. It's so mature there and it's just so idk fresh!

And the people saying "You're just doing it for the money"

When you purchase coins, I don't get that money.

I make 10 cent. 10 cent! for when someone purchases all of it.

How is that making money?

when I publish in early 2017 I'm only doing it for 1.99 so how is that getting a lot of money either? I could raise it to 4.99!

So please just stop with that idiocy and trying to think of things to give out about.

I'm not bluffing or wanting attention about this whole quitting wattpad thing. I'm tired of it at this point and a lot of people have become so needy and immature.

I love every single one of my supported who have agreed with me in this.

And to the facebook group, you guys are my family. Holy shit, our little 700 group is OP and I love you guys. Never seen a mean comment there.

Maybe I'll feel better as the week does on, otherwise I just can't write on wattpad anymore. I just... don't like it.

Maybe I'll just extend the break or maybe my wattpad mood will come back who tf knows.

Also Tina and Jace's book will be on Radish soon. Only the pre written chapters though. It will be updated every seven days for free or purchase chapters early

It's exclusive on wattpad and like I said ITS FREE


Any mean comments.

Post them on this sentence here.

Anyone who left mean comments and wants to say sorry

Post them here.


so thanks for that spoiler people -_-

Ok bye

Match Maid in HellWhere stories live. Discover now