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I got back a week ago and Xavier has been really distant he's constantly looking at his phone. He doesn't come home a lot he's always working but God I miss just chilling out with him. Tonight's been the 1st time he's come home early but it's only because his mum has a function for her store apparently a famous Pbotographer got models to showcase her work and made a new online website for her so she's doing a re launch of her store.

"Rose babe are you ready?" I looked up at Xavier man he looked sexy in a suit.

"Rose babe are you ready?" I looked up at Xavier man he looked sexy in a suit

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I smiled at him. "Can you zip the back of my dress up please! That's all I need and I'm done." I turned around and he walked toward me to zip my dress up he was really gentle.

" I turned around and he walked toward me to zip my dress up he was really gentle

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"All done!" He whispered in my ear and stepped back. My body shivered when he whispered in my ear he hasn't been that close to me since I got back. I turned around and stared at him giving him a cute smile. "What do you think? I said as I twirled around. He watches me with those gorgeous eyes of his as if he could see right through me. He looked at me and smiled but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "You look stunning Rosie" he hasn't called me that since we first started dating. The biggest grin broke out on my face. "Thank you kind sir." I said sarcastically and walked up to him placing a kiss on his cheek. "Let's go!" I said as I grabbed his hand and we made our way out.

We pulled up outside of his mothers store it looked amazing it looked like she had done a whole remodel but it wasn't that at all just a few changes!!!

"Wow it looks amazing!" I said turning to look at Xavier. He just nods and parks up.

He looks nervous. I just watch him as we step out of the car. He's rubbing his hands over and over again. "Are you okay baby?" I ask going over to him and place my hands on his arms. He looks at me and smiles. "Yeah babe sorry I just feel weird maybe I'm nervous for mum!" He said looking at the store. I grabbed his hand. "Your so cute babe your mums store gonna be awesome." He nods and we make our way over. There's a red carpet leading to the entrance and models lining the walkway wearing Larissa's clothes this looks awesome. I look and there's lots of people here already man this photographer must have some serious connections there cameras everywhere it feel like I'm walking up a real Red carpet event. I look in the store and my eyes widen. Is that Crystal Simms. I looked at Xav and tapped his shoulder. "Is that Crystal Simms in there" Xavier looked to where I was looking and smiled. "Yip that's Chrissy" he said my eyes widen more. "Wait hold up you know Crystal Simms from Elite Fasion Magazine?" I asked shocked he just laughed at me. "Yeah she's like a sister." We walked into the door and his mum saw us she came straight over a huge smile on her face. "Aww you guys made sooo happy look at the turn out so many people are here!" She said excited I was still a little shocked that Crystal Simms was here like she was standing just about 4metres away from me. Larissa looked at me. "Rose are you okay?" She asked giving me a weird look. Xavier laughed. "She's a Crystal Fan!" He said in amusement. His mum laughed with him. Crystal turned and looked at us. "Took you fucken long enough Xav!" Crystal yelled coming toward us. He just laughed at her. "Your lucky I showed up at all Chrissy!" She raised a brow. "Pfft whatever u would have come no matter what mum would've killed you if you didn't" she said and gave him a hug. "I guess your right Chrissy" she said letting her go then introducing me. "This is Rose Embers My Girlfriend!" He said scratching the back of his neck. I gave him a weird look he only does that when he's nervous. I looked to Crystal and her eyes widened but she quickly covered it and smiled at me. She held her hand out. "I'm Crystal Simms" she said pleasantly she looked gorgeous and yet casual in her black dress with the front slit.

 "I'm Crystal Simms" she said pleasantly she looked gorgeous and yet casual in her black dress with the front slit

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I shook her hand "I know who you are I love your magazine" I said a smile on my face. "Thanks!" I voices yelled from behind her. "Crystal can you get some models in please il take a few pics of them and the outfits their wearing!" Crystal. "Yeah okay babe give me sec," she looked at us. "Sorry gotta go Lexi wants models and apparently I'm her little bitch tonight!" She said with a giggle Xav just laughed at her but his eyes were focused on the girl who just spoke. I looked to where he was staring and I was shocked. Wtf that Alexi Skye She's more gorgeous in person. I thought to myself.

We walked towards her and she was talking with someone she had a Camera around her neck

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We walked towards her and she was talking with someone she had a Camera around her neck. She turned and saw us approaching. She gave us a smile and said something to the person she was talking to and then came towards us. "Xavier hay you made it!" She said with a smile. He went red in cheeks a little I gave him a confused look then looked back at Alexi. "Hay Lexi! Well mum woulda killed me if I didn't show up" he said with a smile. She just gave a understanding nod then looked to me and smiled. "Hi I'm Lexi" she said giving me her hand I smiled back and shook her hand. "Hey I'm Rose!"

"She's my Girlfriend" Xavier said interrupting me. Lexi just smiled. "Good to meet you Rose!" She had a smile on her face but it want reaching her eyes. Xavier was just looking at her his eyes intense. Somethings up I know it is he's being weird. "So how do u know Larissa?" I asked Lexi trying to start conversation. She gave me genuine smile this time as if in a memory. "Larissa is like my mum she helped me and taught me everything I know!" She said looking at Xavier. He let out a breath and looked at me. "Um remember Lexi the one I told you about when we first met my um he coughs my teenage love" he said looking at me his eyes showing all types of emotions. I just nodded. "Well same Lexi." He said motioning towards Alexis Skye. My eyes widen for a third time tonight. "Your....your the Lexi?" I said my voice sounding even different to myself. She gave me a shocked look. "Um yeah I guess so!" A strange look crossed her face before she covered it up. I knew Xavier was acting weird no wonder he's been weird it's his Lexi. I feel a little weird about this Lexi is the girl that never compares to anyone she's the girl that got away. I look at the both of them and Xaviers looking at her but she's just looking at me with a smile. I should say something. "Nice to meet you!" I say giving her my hand she shakes it. "Sorry I hope this isn't weird for you!" She says with a shy smile I just shake my head. "It's okay! It's weird for all of us" I say although I don't feel that at all. "Lexi here you go" Crystal says from behind us. Thank God that was getting weird. Lexi smiles at us. "Gotta take pictures we can talk later she says walking away 4models following behind her. Xavier is still watching her and hurt flashes across his face as if he's lost something. I look to Lexi and she's directing the models. She looks at Xavier quickly and hurt quickly flashes across her face aswel. I knew then that I would have to everything I could to keep Xavier.


Well there you have it another chapter the next one will be Xaviers POV.

Well that's Rose guys well a little bit of her atleast.

Sorry it's been awhile I actually thought I updated this already but when I looked I realised I hadn't sorry!!!! I will try at least update once a week!!!!

Please vote or share my book please I really want to get my books out there more I'm super excited for these books and I just want everyone to read them aswel I love hearing from my readers of the best part of my day so if any of you can help me out and get my books out there I would appreciate it so so so so much I'm at over 600 reads and that makes me the happiest person ever my readers mean so much to me I love you all so much for all all your support you guys are best!!! 😘😘😘💕💕💕👊👊👊

Love y'all

~Kayy 😍✌️😜💋

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