Chapter 2 - Lipstick lullabies this is sorry for the last time

Start from the beginning

"Hey I don't know it's not like your some sort of love sick kittens right."I joke seeing Kim chuckle hugging me tightly to her.

"I love you so much my bestie ." She whispers letting go of me hooking arms with me waving Fred off to go to his friends.

"I got us ticket for a show this weekend."I say seeing Kim eyes light up in glee

"Oh yeah you got the Katy Perry ticket??"She enthuses

"Yeah and not just that but golden circle so we can be right up there with all the action."I say seeing her smile grow bigger and bigger.

"Have I told you lately that you are my best friend?"She says as we enter our first class

"So I wanted to get a ticket for Beth .."

"Don't bother she has a new girlfriend I think they have been seeing each other for about two weeks now."Kim says bored with the subject

"Oh well that sure happened fast."I say feeling my throat go dry

"That's what happens when you don't come over for three weeks."Kim say sticking out her tongue to me

"So. I mean how is she?"I ask after awhile?

"Who?"Kim says turning back to look at me

"The new girlfriend."I say trying not to sound to nosy

"Pretty cool much better than Sarah. She makes us drinks."She winks turning back in her seat

I wanted to ask more. I wanted to ask how she looks and how they are around each other. I wanted to know if they fit together and how serious Beth was about her. I wanted to but I knew it wasn't my place to ask such questions. It was definitely not my place to ask if I was prettier than her. But there was one question I could ask later when she brought up the subject again.

So I waited the whole day for her to bring up the subject trying to find an opening to ask the question. It wasn't until I heard her say "So Vera has like this one weird ass tattoo but I suppose its sexy as well but it's like of a phoenix rising from the ashes."Kim says as we walk out of the school

"Wow that is pretty cool."I say totally uninterested.

"So how old is she?"I ask seeing Kim frown at me

"How old is who?"Kim says acting out her being blond

"How old is Vera!?"I half yell seeing her smile at me about to say but then..

"I'm 24. Hello I am Vera and you are?"A girl says hanging out of Beth's car

Beth looks at me with a slight smile saying a quick hello.

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