"Same" he said.

I grinned. Then, I reached my left hand in my red dress' pocket and pulled a five dollar bill. I reached my hand up to give the girl the money, but Niall caught my wrist mid-air and paid for the girl.

"No, the guy should pay" he said.

The girl awed at us and returned the change to Niall. Then, she handed us our ice cream.

I frowned at Niall. "But next time, I'm paying".

He smiled and let out a sigh. "Okay".

I smiled at him and we walked towards a bench, hand in hand. We sat down and ate our ice cream in silence. I was always a quiet kid, never caused trouble to my parents and never cried because they didn't buy me the toy I wanted. All what I wanted was their attention, but they were too busy. I was mature for my age, so I understood them. I figuered Niall was like me, because he was quiet too.

"I've been watching you for the past three days, where are your friends?" He spoke.

I starred at my lap, while I licked my ice cream. "Um... I don't have any".

He looked surprised. "How a beautiful girl like you not have friends?"

I shrugged and looked up at him. "Girls don't like me, they always push me off of the swing and laugh at me. It hurts my knees alot... and boys only pass by me like I don't exist".

He narrowed his eyebrows. A sigh escaped his mouth. "Well, Liara, I'm not going to allow that to happen ever again. I'll always protect you and I'll even fight the alliens for you" he said, smiling.

I smiled and held my pincky for him. "Pincky promise?"

He hooked his pincky with mine. "I pincky promise you, Liara".

"And I pincky promise you to always be your friend and never ever leave your side" I said to him.

He nodded. "Okay. Then, we shall be forever together".

We finished our ice creams. Then, we headed back to the play ground. A few kids were running. One of the boys knocked into my shoulder, causing me to shreik and stumble backwards, the fall on my butt. My foot hit the leg of the bench when I fell, causing a weird painfull feeling to spread around in my leg. The boy stood, starring at me wide-eyed, while Niall came rushing to me. Tears started to fall out of my eyes like a waterfall. Niall turned his head towards the boy and shouted at him.

"Next time watch where you're going!"

The boy's bottom lip started to tremble as his eyes glistered with tears. "I-I'm sorry" he whispered, then ran off.

My butt was hurting as well as my ankle, which the skin above it started to turn red. Niall reached a finger and touched it, resulting in me whimpering. He looked at my face, sympathy written all over his. He reached his hands towards my face and wiped my tears away.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you" he said, a frown making its way to his face.

I smiled, ignoring the throbbing pain in my ankle. "It's okay, you didn't know".

He stood up. Then, helped me stand up. I almost fell again if he didn't catch my arm, because one, I could only stand on one foot, and two, I was clumsy with two feets. He sighed out as I pouted. 'Why bad things only happen to me?' I wondered.

"I'll give you a piggyback ride" he smiled encourgingly at me.

He turned around. Then, he crouched down in front of me. I smiled excitedly, put my hands on his shoulders and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waiste so I wouldn't fall. I tightened my arms around his shoulders and mudged him up. He easily stood up and pushed me up by holding my thighs, so I wouldn't fall. Then, he started walking, heading towards the exit of the park.

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