Chapter 11: Teams

Start from the beginning

"Haha, you guys remembered?" I asked them.

Blade grinned. "Yes! Who would forget that? That scene was the basis of all the Naruto yaoi fan fictions!" he exclaimed, then he realized what he meant. He blushed a beet-red.

I grinned at him. "Why, Blade, I didn't know you like those kinds of things."

He looked away. "Shut up," he retorted lamely.

I looked at Blaze and raised my eyebrow. "You too?"

He shrugged and smiled. "I'm still human, Al."

I chuckled and said nothing more. I just watched Naruto and Sasuke have their stare-down. Electricity flowed between them.

"Sasuke-kun, just beat him up!" The crowd of fan girls shouted.

"What? For real?" The unnamed boy said as he unknowingly pushed Naruto.

Naruto and Sasuke's lips met.


I pursed my lips keeping myself from laughing out loud.

Then Sakura fell down and everything was in chaos.

I bursted out laughing and I heard Em, Blade and Blaze laughing hard beside me. "Oh... my... haha... gawd! That... that... was... haha! And he... haha!" I couldn't form a single complete sentence.

"Haha... and then... he... haha!" Blade joined me.

I rolled on the floor laughing. "Holy shit... that... priceless!"

My laughter died down three minutes later. "Oh, good laugh, laugh."

By now, the girls were getting ready to beat Naruto up. I hurried over in front of Naruto and held my hand up.

"Whoa! Slow down girls." They stopped. "Don't you think it's unethical for... such lovely girls like you, to beat down somebody?" My eye twitched a little but I still kept my best poker-face on.

They seemed to think about this for a while. Then they backed down. "Hmph!" They grudgingly turned their heads away and went to their seats.

I chuckled and shook my head. Aaah, the magic of sweet-talk; never gets old. I turned and looked at Naruto. "You alright?"

He seemed surprise for a moment. "Uh, yes."

I raised my eyebrow.

He snapped out of it. "Thanks! Believe it!"

I chuckled. "Yeah, no problem, kid." I turned and walked away.

"What was that about?" Blade said when I reached them.

I shrugged. "Naw, just a little change."

He looked at me questioningly. "What?"

I was about to answer when the door opened revealing Iruka.

"Alright, please settle down and take your seats." All of us went to our seats. "Starting today, you are all official ninjas, but you are all still new Genins." He smiled. "It's going to get harder from here." He turned serious. "You all will be in a group of three, where you will accomplish missions under a Jounin teacher."

Everyone in class seemed surprise that they will be teamed up.

I sighed. Man, I'm bored and my headache is already starting again.

"We've arranged the groups such that overall abilities are equivalent." He held up the paper. "I will now anounce them." He anounced unknown names and teams.

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