Chapter 12: You Won't Relent

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Chapter 12,

—Lenalee's POV—

Days had passed and Neah seemed to become friendly with the other Exorcist's. Why, he's a Noah, our sworn enemy, why are we getting along with him. The oddest part of this whole ordeal is the fact that Rouvelier is basically best friends with Neah.

Johnny and I sat at lunch depressed about Allen when Neah came and sat down at our table, "Lenalee." He smirks.

"What do you want Neah?" I ask annoyed. I look up into his face, no wait it wasn't his face, it was Allen's. Neah stole Allen's body from him.

"Do you still hate me?" He asks frowning.

"Um let me think about it..." He begins to smile. "Yes, I still hate you." I growl as his smile fades.

"What did my nephew ever see in you?" He rolls his eyes. "He must have been stupid."

"Don't call Allen stupid!" I snap. This guy was utterly rude and I hate him so much.

"Rarr... aren't you always angry?" He laughs and then his eyes go wide in shock and I thought I noticed a glint of pain in them. His left arm begins to glow and white feather looking things begin to spiral around it. That is Allen's innocence 'Crown Clown', Neah reaches his right arm over and grasps his left. He groans in pain.

"Allen!" I yell, but I instantly remember that he's gone. "I mean Neah are you alright?"

"Crap." He frantically looks around the large space of the lunch room. "Get Rouvelier!" He yells out which shocks me. Neah seems like he could be scared, but what of?

Johnny runs off quickly while Komui, Kanda and Link run up to Neah's side. What is going on? Has he used some kind of Noah power on them, why are they rushing to his side when he's in need? I feel anger boiling in my stomach. I'm about to blow up on them when a loud explosion comes from behind me. I turn and see a huge white figure coming through a hole in the wall of the lunch room.

"What is that?" I ask in fear.

"Ah, Dark Boots." The figure spoke a creepy voice, a voice that seemed almost familiar, but I couldn't place it. How did this thing know my innocence's name, is it a new kind of Akuma?

"No it's worse." I heard Rouvelier speak from beside me, I guess I said that last part out loud.

"Everyone protect Neah." Link orders from my other side. Why are we protecting him?

"Just do it!" Kanda pushes me aside, I guess I also said that out loud as well. I back away until I find myself beside the pain-stricken Neah and a clueless rest of the Order.

"Neah what is going on?" I ask panicking, he was panting and was about to fall on the ground. I pull his right arm around my shoulder and hold him up, he looks up to me and forces a smile. A smile that was too familiar, it was the same as Allen's.

"That thing is an independent innocence known as Apocryphos." This thing is innocence? Well that would make since as to why it is after Neah. I mean Noah's natural enemy is Innocence and vise versa. I noticed the cross-like thing that Allen has on his left hand was right smack-dab in the middle of the things chest. I thought about using my innocence to knock out Kanda, Link and Rouvelier from behind, maybe then this crazy independent Innocence will destroy Neah and give me back Allen.

"Apocryphos is after Allen's body and innocence." Neah pants, holding onto 'Crown Clown'. Sweat beads slide down his face as he tries to back away from Apocryphos.

"This can't be happening." I say in anger. "Why is it after Allen?"

"It first appeared the night Allen was in prison, if it hadn't been for my fellow Noah, Tyki Mikk and Road Kamelot he would have been absorbed on the spot within seconds. " He takes a deep breath, "Apocryphos has been chasing us since, he almost killed Link and will kill to get what he wants."

"I..." I begin but stop when Neah looks up toward the ceiling and with his right hand he pushes aside his curly white hair and brings his dark stigmata into view. Allen's scar messed up the line to where the individual stigmata get bigger toward the left side of his face. Neah spoke something I couldn't understand and his stigmata glows, but the stigmata over Allen's scar gleamed the brightest.

"We're here brother." I hear Road's voice. I almost rip her apart when I see her but I just send her a small, very forced smile. "Lenalee." She greets me before turning back to Neah. I noticed a few other dark skinned people behind her, they were all Noah.

"I'm glad to see you've made it." Neah pants as I help him turn toward all the other Noah. They all introduced themselves and took their place in-between Neah and Apocryphos who had just taken out Rouvelier, Link and Kanda with one swing of the arm.

I hear a laugh from the side of me and I see the most shocking thing that I've seen today. The Earl stood beside me laughing, "Ah Neah it's good to see you again."

"You too, Earl." Neah growls. I notice that the Millennium Earl forms a sword in his hand and turns to face Neah and I.

"Why don't we just cut of that innocence of yours and hand it over to Apocryphos and be done for today." The Earl takes a step forward and I move Neah and myself back a step.

"Now that wouldn't be such a good idea." Neah says, I sit him down and turn toward the Earl.

"You won't be touching Allen's innocence." I growl.

The Millennium Earl laughs, "Oh Miss Lenalee I'd move if I was you." He points his sword toward me and the tip is inches from my heart. "I could always take you out first."

"Ha, oh Earl that's funny. I'd figure you'd rather fight me first rather than a girl." I heard another familiar voice. General Cross appears, I thought he was dead? He pushes me back and I land in Neah's arms, his embrace reminds me of Allen but I quickly move away from him. 

"I thought Cross was dead?" I ask.

"Apocryphos took out his innocence Judgment and tried to absorb him as well, but I took Allen over temporarily and saved him." Neah says forcing himself to stand. "Alright it's time we end this lifelong war."


A/N: Well that's chapter 12 for ya! Hope you enjoyed! The next Chappy will sadly be the last. I might put in a oneshot or something but you never know.

Video: EOEO (Chinese Version) by UNIQ.


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