"We give you the proof you need that your people are enslaved in a foreign land and you toss it aside!" Jelina said angrily.

"I can vouch for her story, Your Majesty," Maitru said, attempting to defuse the tension. "If that is what you wish for. There are only two groups of humans the Wilds elves trust: Rangers and Neamhain."

Tressa looked at him surprised. Liam looked agitated.

"Over forty years ago, one of the clans we were protecting fell to Moldovan slavers." He motioned to Jelina. "Her clan."

"If your Order was protecting her clan...," Tressa trailed off as she fit the puzzle pieces together. "Amazing." She turned to Jelina. "Is it true? Are you...?"

The Elysium Ranger nodded. It was still odd to think of her as Elysium after so long as referring to her as an elf.

Liam scoffed. "That race is a legend. As is the Neamhain. I will not be strung about by a group of Rangers wishing revenge against Moldov. And you," He pointed at Ainnileas, "should have known better than to bring them here with that purpose."

Ainnileas spun around. "The bodies of dozens of slavers lie outside my village's Temple! Rangers and villagers, my friends and neighbors, lie slain defending their families and home from them! Will you turn your back on them as well? The elves and Elysium are Aleerian as much as you or I or Maitru or the Rangers here are!"

Liam narrowed his eyes at him. As a captain, he never would have dared speak to the king that way. "She is an elf! Her people tore Aleera apart in their desire to rule it!"

"My people did not lift a finger against yours." Jelina was ignored. Ainnileas could see Tressa beginning to lose her queenly calm.

"Now this so-called Priest is claiming not only is he of a little known and forgotten Order but that this elf is of a race that hasn't been seen since the Aleerian War began! If she is who she claims to be, then she is to prove it!"

"Liam!" Tressa scolded.

"Be still. I want evidence that this woman is what they all claim she is!"

It was Jelina's turn to narrow her eyes at the king. "I am not a court magician! I'll not do parlor tricks to entertain you! I came here hoping for aid in freeing the enslaved Aleerians. Your people! I shall find a way to do so with or without your help."

"And allow another elf to start another war?"

"Oh, for Elohim's sake! Did you not wish..."

"Enough, Tressa!"

"If she proves she is Elysium," Ruarc asked. "Will you aid her cause?"

Liam sighed. "If she is indeed Elysium, yes. We have all heard the old tales of the Elysium who shall rise to lead the enslaved Aleerians to freedom."

Jelina snorted and turned away, muttering something about entertaining children. Ainnileas grabbed Jelina's arm, speaking to her in a low voice. Ruarc looked at them, before glancing at his fellow Rangers and Maitru, who were still trying to convince the king they spoke truth. He was sure Jelina would kill him for this, but it was the only way he knew she'd prove who she was. Ruarc saw the space in Ainnileas' armor from a dent at his right side. The space was just enough for a dagger to slip through.

Ainnileas felt a dagger suddenly bite into his side and he cried out from the pain. Tressa gasped and both of her hands went to her mouth, surprise and shock widening her eyes. Jelina spun around as Ainnileas fell to a knee, a hand on his wound and the blood seeping through his fingers. She rushed over to him.

"Ruarc!" Dante cried.

The Ranger hadn't bothered to hide the fact that he had just stabbed Ainnileas. "It's the only way she'll prove herself, Sir."

"Remind me to kill you later," Jelina all but growled as she worked on removing Ainnileas' breastplate. She pushed his hand away and pressed her own to the wound. The now familiar glow enveloped it and her hand, having practiced enough that the glow no longer enveloped them both as well. When she moved her hand away, the only evidence of Ruarc's deed was the blood staining Ainnileas' shirt. Jelina gave Ruarc a dirty look. Ruarc wouldn't meet Jelina's eyes.

Liam was gaping. "So the Priest spoke truth..."

"Of course, he did," Dante said, giving Ruarc a stern look. The Desert Ranger apologized with subtle facial expressions.

"Then I shall give you what aid I can, but know that I cannot give it to you openly."

The Rangers of AleeraWhere stories live. Discover now