The Flip Gender World

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Guys, just so you know, this book has achieved 1,000+ words. I thank all of you guys for reading this. 1,000+ is actually a big breakthrough for me.

"Ah!" I shoot my body up, by where the climbing wall used to be, "Ok, even for a second time, this is... Wait... Why am I a girl?!" I look down at my black shirt and ripped jeans. "This is... Weird... But I have always wondered what being a girl would be like..." I walk around, "Skinnier legs and arms, a haircut leaving me with short hair, and it feels wrong that I like men. Very weird. So would this make me straight, or a homosexual?" I wonder for a moment... "Oh my gosh, how would Mom be, or should I say Dad."
I run back home- because this place wasn't too far anyways- and walk into the living room. I turn on the TV. Yes, the news.
"For countless numbers of times, The Investigators figured out who was doing a crime. This time, a bombing happened in New Jersey," The news lady said, "Please do tell us what was going on, Jackie"
Jackie grabs the mic, "Well, the wa-" I turn off the TV.
"PFT!" I laugh and start to my room, "That must be sad. Jackie." I stop to see my room a, very big, mess. "Wha?..." I gawk at the huge mess. I stalk in. Grabbing the first thing that touches my feet and putting it away.


"Ugh" I moan and sprawl my body across my bed. "When will this end?" I shut my eyes for a few seconds.
"Jackie!" My used-to-be-Mom-now-Dad. How about we just go with Dad. "I'm home!"
I get up and... Wait... How long was I asleep? I look over at my clock. 5:00 p.m. I was asleep since 2:00. 3 hours, that's fine. Exhausted, I grimly walk to the staircase. Pretty long for a staircase (I counted. 30 stairs.), but I should be able to- "WHOA!" I yell and trip over a toy. Was the toy mine? Looks like a baby toy, but old. High probability of it being my old baby toy. And I fall. Down the stairs. "Ow. Oof! Ngh!"
Dad calls, "Jackie? What's going on?" He walks over to see me falling. "Ooh!" He runs to me before the next hit knocks me unconscious.

Sorry I had to cut this one short. I have things to do and I felt nowhere close to having ideas for this. :/ I mean, it would just be the same things, just as a girl, whereas the last chapter, everything was flipped, giving me more ideas. No offence to any girls.

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