What Just Happened?

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"Uhhh" I sit up and moan. My head hurts bad. Looking around, and I spot some weird things. "Where did the treehouse go? And... Everything?!" I yell and notice all of my outside things are gone. I walk inside and my dad is standing in front of the closet.
"Hey, Ace! Uhm, since when have you gone outside 2 weeks in a row? Heh" My dad says and pulls something from either pocket of a jacket lying down above the hangers.
I stop, what in the world? What is this? I am usually outside 4 times a week! "I, um, something flew out the window. So I went to get it."
Dad looks at me for a second, "Ok. Well, I have to get back to work," he opens the door, ready to walk out, "I should be back by 5:00"
"Okay" I respond. He walks out the door and I dash up into my room. Game console here and there. 2 computers. A whole bunch of things. "Woah!" I gaze at everything. I run back downstairs into the living room. "Wait a second... Older consoles and older games down here, and in my room, I have newer games and consoles. Cool!" I turn on the Nintendo 64 and put in Super Mario 64.
"Niceeee." I play. And play. For hours. I look at the time, 2:00 PM. "I can make lunch," I say and walk off towards the kitchen. What the heck is this sitting on the table? Blueberry Jelly? In the normal world, we only have strawberry and grape- wait a second. No label. Weird jar... That can only mean one thing... This was imported. Or that my parents or I have made this and we will make more and sell them. Maybe that. I grab some bread as soon as my mom walks in the door.
"Hey Ace, I'm back!" Mom says and drops her purse on the sofa.
"Hey Mom," I respond. I make a PB&J sandwich and sit down on the couch, eating it. I glance over at some of the games: Sonic Adventure 2, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros., Donkey Kong, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Star Wars Battlefront, and some other games. Man, this is the life. I finish eating and walk up to my room.
"Ah," I sigh and sit down in front of my laptop. I pop open Wattpad and start writing. "Oh yeah, my entry for the Wattys is almost done! I gotta get to work!" I start typing up my last chapter, which didn't take long. I decided I would keep it unpublished until 2 weeks before the deadline. That way, I am publishing with style
"Ace!" Mom calls up.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Do you want to come with me to a surprise place?"
"Um... Sure!"
"Ok! We are leaving right now, so get ready!"
"Ok," I grab my shoes and jacket, put them on, and walk downstairs. Oh man. If this is some sort of dream, I wonder what went on with The Investigators. I turn on the TV- which is usually set to the news because my dad watches the news at night.
"And once again, The Investigators save the day," The news guy says.
"Yeah, it was simple. We just found a Thermal Disabler to defuse the bomb. But the journey was hard. Going back into Action Links, finding it, and getting out in the 2 hours we had," Jack states.
"Seems hard. Anyways we were-" The news guy says before I turn off the TV.
Mom puts on her jacket, "Come on, Ace."
"Coming!" I get up and we walk out the door.


"That is huge" I gawk in awe at the world's, probably biggest, rock climbing wall.
"Glad you like it," Mom says, "Because we will be climbing that thing."
"Awesome!" I exclaim. As soon as Mom parks, I rush out the door. I spot my friend Louis waiting in the short line. I run over to him to say hi.
"Oh, hey Ace," Louis replies.
"My mom just drove me over here as a surprise," I tell him, "Maybe because my birthday is close."
"Mmm.... Maybe," He agrees. 5 minutes pass before we reach the wall.
A guy is standing aside, but when we reach him, he straps a bungee cord around us. "Be careful." Mom reaches him and he does the same thing to her.
"Ready?" Louis asks.
"Nope," I inhale, "Let's go." Grip. Grip. Grab. Grab. Grip. Grip. Grab. Grab. I slowly climb up and gradually speed until my arms and legs are comfortable, staying at pace with Louis. "Whoa!" I yell as my foot slips. I put it back on the rock, but then I notice that is the only thing on a rock. "AAAHHH!!!" I scream, falling. I try to place my hands on the cord to stop, but they slip. I know if I place my hands on a rock, it will get some blood. My hand and the rock. So I persevere on trying to grab the cord. Slip... Slip... Slip... Soon, I will be a few inches away from the ground, saved by a bungee cord. Wrong. The cord snapped the last time I tried to grip the cord. What just happened? I fall face flat on the ground. Again.

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