"Can I show you something?"

166 7 2

Song: Heal-Tom Odell


I waited nervously for her on the subway platform.

'This is it Luke,' I thought, 'You only get one shot at redemption. You have to be honest with what is going on if she's going to be involved.'

I begin to pace back and forth slowly freaking out.

"Hey," she calls from behind me.

I spin around," Hi!"

"Hi," she blushes.

"Hey," I breathe.

She's literally the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life and it hurts to look at her.

"So what are we doing here?" She asks curiously.

"I wanted to show you something, but it takes a subway ride to get there," I answer simply walking onto the train.

I feel her follow me on and I smile to myself.

"You're not kidnapping me are you Friar?"

"I would never, Ms. Matthews!" I feign shock and surprise.

She rolls her eyes but I can see her smile.

That smile I've loved since the moment I saw her looking at me that fateful day our 7th grade year.

I sit in the exact same spot she fell into my lap and I see her eyes fill with uncertainty.

"This spot is sacred," I smile up at her, "You know why?"

"Because it's where I fell on your lap?" She replies, "Out first date, first kiss."

I shake my head, "It's sacred because in this spot I began to believe that life would get better just by a beautiful girl falling into my lap. This is the spot where I realized I knew what love really felt like. You taught me that Riley. Not only by being my friend but by always believing in me regardless of my past."

She nodded, "Like I said, I'll always believe in you."

"Then please believe me when I say, I never stopped caring about you. I never wanted to leave you alone permanently. I just needed space to think."

"And then?" She asked finally sitting next to me.

"Things happened," I say looking away.

"Like what?"

I still couldn't meet her eyes.

"Lucas, we were always good at talking to each other," she whispers, "So please, talk to me. That way I know there's still some friendship left here."

I looked at her solemnly, "Can I show you something?"

She gave me a confused look and nodded.

"Then we're going on an even longer trip," I smirked.

20 stops later we were on our way to the suburbs and I could tell she was getting ready to run.

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