Mary Kate shrugged.

I suddenly felt guilty “I didn’t even here them out, I mean Blake has always told me they went on a family trip to Vegas once…”

“Maybe that’s what they were excited about…” Mary Kate mused.

“We’re horrible girlfriends”

“Yes you are” a new voice agreed staring us down.

I grinned sheepishly at my fiancée “Hey darling”

“Don’t you darling me!” but I could see his resilience and I knew he wasn’t mad.

I grinned sheepishly running over to him and smacking his lips long and loud “Love you!”

“You’re lucky I love you too” he murmured.

I smiled again biting my lip “You know that one time in high school when you promised me a lap dance?”

His eyes turned dark “And I gave you one…”

I blushed at the memory “How about I return the favour?”

He grinned “You’re all forgiven!”

“Guys, I think we’ll just about make it before dark if we get a move on” Brendan and Mary Kate strolled towards us hand in hand.

“How about we just enjoy this?” we all grinned at each other, planting ourselves on the grass and enjoying the silence of our company.

Extra Scene:

When they say your wedding day is the best day of your life, their lying.

“Stop touching my hair goddamit!” My maid of honour screamed as she tried to sidestep the very touchy hairdresser I had hired. I sighed at Mary Kate and glanced back at Lia who was in her very chic violet bridesmaid dress. She bounced her daughter Chloe on her hip attempting to quieten her.

I huffed irritated “Guys, I’m getting married in less than 15 minutes!”

Phoenix strolled in then his tie hanging off his neck limply “I really hate this tie”

“Suck it up” I snapped

He glared “I swear you’re the worst mom ever”

I smiled at him sickly sweet “But I love you”. We only had 6 years difference in age, but because I was his legal guardian, he’d taken to calling me mom.

He rolled his eyes and turned to leave the small room at the back of the church.

“Oh God” I felt sick as my bridal train still wondered around aimlessly, looking lost without my mother who normally bossed them around relentlessly. It probably had something to do with being due to give birth to twins in less than a week.

I got up from my seat emanating gasps from my bridesmaids, who still hadn’t got over my dress. It was Vera Wang, flowed out typically with its bodice covered in sparkling glitter and diamonds.

“You look beautiful” my college roommate Trish gushed as she tottered over.

“So I’ve heard” but I still blushed at the compliment. My father made an appearance then, and I sighed in relief as my mother pushed through dragging a very angry looking Mary Kate.

“Get your scrawny self in here and don’t move!” my mother hissed at her.

“Scrawny?” Mary Kate cried incredulously “That stupid hairstylist wouldn’t stop touching my hair, I had to do what was right!”

“And attack her with the nearest dessert?”

Mary Kate allowed herself a wicked grin, but my mother only looked angrier wobbling over to where I stood.

“Don’t you have any taste in friends?”

Mary Kate’s eyes narrowed “Don’t you have any taste in clothes you bloated piece of…”

Any normal person would be horrified at the fact that their best friend and mother looked ready to rip each other apart. But I couldn’t care less, on a normal day they were closer to each other than I was. They went on a holiday to Tunisia for a week for god’s sake. Without me.

“Guys, honestly…we’re already late in”

My mother looked horrified “Your roots are showing!”

We all knew that was a low blow “I’ll have you know this is all natural!”

My mother scoffed “As natural as that zit popping out of your forehead!”

That was it. “SHUT UP!”

There was a deafening silence.

“I am going to get married to the love of my life, I am going to be Mrs Blake Heyworth in an hour and NOTHING will stop that, do you understand?”

The room nodded mutely “Let’s get this over with shall we?”

I honestly didn’t have anything to worry about. I didn’t trip down the aisle, I didn’t mess up my vows and I certainly couldn’t mess up the kiss. I mean come on, how much practice had I had?

“You look beautiful” my husband has whispered that to me the entire night and didn’t stop as he carried me bridal style to our hotel suite.

I grinned “So do you!”

“I’m not beautiful” Blake argued “I’m handsome”

“Whatever” I murmured as he lay me on the plush king sized bed trailing kisses up my neck “Just take me to heaven” and as an after though I added “And back again”

And boy did he.

Taming the Bad Boy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now