"I guess we'll have to wait and see, won't we? So, tell me what's been going on in America."

"Nothing much, really. I just turned my life around, and I'm a better person. The girl I love, Bailey, is there taking care of our two kids. I miss her a lot."

"You have kids? Oh, what a bad mistake that was."

"I thought Aunt Alexa told you about Jason and Bells."

"Maybe she did. I'm old, I forget things easily."

After eating, Melanie took us to her house. It was walking distance so we didn't drive. When we walked inside, I could hear a TV on somewhere in the house.

"Mom, Dad, I brought some friends." Melanie called.

I heard footsteps approaching and Mrs. Martinez appeared. She looked exactly how I remember her to look. When she saw me and Andy, she rushed over to us and took us into huge hugs.

"It's been so long!" She exclaimed. "I didn't know you were you back."

"We're just here to visit. My abuela is sick."

"I heard. I'm sorry about that."

"She seems to be getting a little better."

"Well, are you hungry? I just made lunch."

"We just ate."

"Well then let's catch up. I haven't seen you since you were 7."

Bailey's P.O.V*

We shopped in Wet Seal, Aeropostale and Hollister. Some people stared at me as we walked around. I know they were judging me for having kids.

"Is that Justin?" I heard Kassia ask.

"Where?" I asked.

"Looking at the magazines. Right over there." She pointed.

I looked to where she was pointing and sure enough there was Justin looking at the magazines. I think he's alone, but I'm not sure.

"Let's go say hi." I said.

"I thought you hated him." Hannah said.

"We talked at the back to school dance and made up. We're okay now."

We walked over to him and I tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up at us and smiled.

"Hey guys. Long time no see." He said. He looked down at the twins. "Let me guess, Bella and Jason?"


"How old are they?"

"Almost 10 months."

"Wow, it's been that long?"


I let Justin hold the twins. Jason didn't like him very much, but Bella seemed to love him right away.

"They're sweet." Justin said, putting Bella back in the stroller.

"Justin, are you ready?" Someone asked from behind us. We turned to see Scott and Jacob. I glanced at Kassia and she had a frown on her face. "Oh, hi guys." Scott said. He glanced at Kassia and gave her a small smile.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Kassia said before walking off.

Things just got awkward. I didn't know Scott and Jacob are still friends with Justin. Scott stuck his hands in his pockets and sighed.

"I'm guessing she still hates me." He said.

"I don't blame her." I said. "You did cheat on her."

I Fell For A Gang Member [2]Where stories live. Discover now