Bring it on!

500 12 7

"Go 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 good! 3,4,5,6,7,8 and hold! Well done guys that was amazing,  we just need to go over the turning section. But Tiger your doing very well!" Kate smiled, looking at the team in stage from the first rows of seats. It was the day of the finals, each of the remaining two studios were aloud one hour to practice before they would battle it out.

Lucien and Trudy were at the very back of the arena. If the plan was to work, they needed to study a troupes' finals routine thoroughly. Lucien however wasn't in the best of moods with Trudy, she had messed up the scheme and the next step was performing in the finals.

Trudy (Suzanne) Pov
The reason Lucien is mad at me is because I thought that if Salone and Beth were not fit to dance, they would forfeit. Seeing that they would only have Tiger left and theres no way he'd be aloud to dam after the male Solo round earlier in the week.

"This better work!" He said moodily, Lucien was often like that when things wouldn't go the way he wanted. "If we loose you're off the team" Trudy turned away from him mouth the word 'What?!' to herself quietly.

Could the teams go back to the dressing room? Final round beggining in 30 Minutes!

"Ok, this is it!" Kate announced, lets get our costumes on!" A troupe followed her out of the stage and into the dressing room, this was it - It was time to face Trudy head on!

"Welcome Back to the final day of the absolute Dance national championships I'm chuck Anderson and this is Tre Armstrong!"

"Well I don't know about you chuck but this week has seen some intense dancing and it all comes down to this in the finals this year we have WRTW Dance which is surprising as they are very new to this part of the competition even back when they were elite.

"And our other team is our reigning international champions the next step - It's going to be interesting seeing how they fair this year!"

"Well chuck we won't have to wait much longer - WRTW Dance will be performing in 4 minutes time!"


A troupe were In the wings adding final touches to themselves before they were going on stage. Luckily WRTW Dance was up first so they had a little amount of extra time before they went on. With The next step on one side of the stage and WRTW Dance on the other Trudy ran across once more talk to them. "Well, this Is It. The final show down" She mocked, trying to get them off their game.

"Don't start, get back to your team before you embarrass your self!" Richelle hissed, sending Trudy away.

Can WRTW Dance please take to the stage?"

Trudy (Suzanne) Pov
This is it! Time to finish the next step once and for all! 

The music began to play as the royal red curtain rose up, Revealing the team to the audience, within seconds you could here Lucien screaming in support. The beggining section was all ballet style,  soft and slow wowing the audience.

Trudy (Suzanne) Pov
This is it!

Suddenly, the image on the wide canvas behind them changed and so did the music - It was now a fast and up beat song, causing lots of cheers for the audience.  It took a troupe a moment to figure out what was happening,  but after a few more moments. It was clear what was happening.

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