A last minute twist

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Miss Kate's pov
As we're waiting in the studio to go the Pre-nationals competition, the energy is palpable! Everyone is so excited and oh it feels great! Our team is ready to fight on that stage. Nationals is just that much bigger this year.

For this competition there are no costumes needed, the dancers dance in their studio uniforms.

"Can I do a name Check?" Miss Kate asked with a clip board in hand. Miss Kate went around the room counting everyone and putting them down on the paper. It was only 5:30am, most of the dancers seemed to be still asleep - but they needed to be awake.

"Alright Everyone is here, the coach will be here soon. But before we go anywhere does anyone need to use the bathroom?" She asked, Noah and James nodded and disappeared down the hall. "I take it no one else does so get your bags and we will get ready" Miss Kate smiled.

Emily's pov
I'm so excited about this competition! Not only do I get to dance with my team, but I can help win the 10 point advantage.

Kate got a text alert on her phone, "The bus is here so lets get going!" James and Noah came out of the bathroom and into studio A just in time to collect there bags.
Everyone met out in the street Infront of the coach.

"Hey James, just to let you know that Im gonna sit with Emily on the coach Ok?" Riley asked. "Yeah man that's Sweet!" he gave his girlfriend a hug. The coach doors opened and everyone boarded. Amanda sat next to Giselle and miss Kate. Richelle and Salone sat together. Suzanne decided to sit alone Beth and Tiger were sat together. Leaving James and Noah.

They had formed a pretty tight friendship and consider eachother "Bros' just like he did with Eldon and West." Yo dude you Good?" James asked. "Yeah you?" Noah replied. James nodded, "I hope we get the 10 point advantage!" Noah wished.

"We will, Don't events worry about it" James said, being completely calm given that he would be performing in a matter of hours.


The coach arrived in a car parking surround with other coaches, Well Know studios such as LOD and MSOD were there. "Ok guys were here!" Kate announced. A troupe began to cheer and clap, "Alright so we need to register our team before were are officially at the pre nationals competition" She said.

"This is so exciting!" Riley grinned as she got hold of her boyfriends hand. "I know right!" James replied.

James POV
This is just a great day, it's our first competition of the new dance season and everyone is going to kill it I'm sure!

As the double doors to the building opend a surge of dancers enterd the reception area, among them was the next step. "Noah!" Miss Kate called out, "We need to your signature to register!" They were at the check in desk and were lucky enough to be one of the first to sign up.

"Alright thanks" The attendent said, handing them their registration document. "How are you feeling?" Amanda asked Emily, She's hesitated for a moment. "Well I'm nervous but I can't wait to get out There!" Emily replied.

Emily's pov
I'm not exactly sure where I stand with Amanda at this point I mean, she helped the team last year and up until now while I was gone so I'm not sure.

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