The Show Must Go On!

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Miss Kate pov
Nationals was amazing, like anything we could have dreamed of - and we won! Internationals should be a breeze, but then I got back to the studio and the worst thing happened!
I got back to the studio with Giselle after we had dropped everyone of home and I was shocked! The studio was burnt down! What are we going to do now?

Kate walked Slowly into Studio a with her jaw hung open in shock, the walls were burnt charcoal grey and the distinctive smell of smoke hung heavily in the air. A figure of black and yellow came towards them, it was the fire fightingers. Kate got his attention, "Hey, What happened here?" She asked, still looking around at her world.

"The electrics were faulty, it seemed many wires has been twisted together and fuse breakers disrupted.

Giselle pov
I can't believe what is happening right now! The studio is just awful!  It's in such a State!

Kate could see the chandler smashed on the burnt and melted dance floor." So What happens now?" She asked, still looking at the dance floor. "This building is in need of alot of work, its in no fit state to be kept in use" He answered. Kate began to shake her head in disagreement, "No, no, we need to work here! To prepare for internationals!" She argued.

"So we have to Leave? Is that what your saying?" Giselle asked, the man nodded slowly. "I'm sorry! But its for you own safety!" He replied, Kate could feel the tears boiling up inside of her. How would they get to internationals with no place to dance? Was this the end?

Miss Kate pov
We're not just going to take this lying down! The show must go on, and the next step has to make internationals - Whatever it takes!

The Next Step ~ Nationals 2 (Season 5)Where stories live. Discover now