Re - Format

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The day rolled around quickly and the team were up and ready to go, Most of A troupe could be traced down to the hotel restaurant where breakfast was being served. The distinctive smell of bacon stagnated around the room which made the stomachs of the dancers gurgle.

Noah was sat on the table nearest the balcony window with Amanda, Today was the male Solo round and Noah was was performing 3rd to last meaning he had a long time to wait. "So Noah are you Nervous?" Amanda asked, putting a slice of toast in her mouth and starting to chew it. "I'm definitely not nervous!" Noah replied.

Noah pov
I'm so nervous! But I can't let anyone know that.


Kate and Giselle were still in the Hotel rooms with a great concern on their Minds - The costumes. The matter was quite pressing, Noah would be performing in a matter of hours and he would finished with out a costume to dance in. "This is all Tess' fault!" Kate cussed under her breath as she paced around the room.

"If she had not showed up we would not have got distracted and we wouldn't be in this mess right now!" She continued. "Kate calm down, this is the next step. There's always some sort of drama" Giselle reasoned, finding at seat and sitting down.

A text pinged through on her phone from Michelle, "Right, its  time to get going to Nationals" Giselle read out her text. Kate and Giselle left the room, with the worry still in their minds...

⭕ ⭕ ⭕

The usual SNR theme tune played quietly in the background as the first round was about to commence. "Hello, and welcome to the 18th annual absolute Dance national championships I'm chuck Anderson and along side me I have my esteemed guest and Co presenter Tre  Armstrong!" He said with a huge smile.
"Yes hello chuck. Its great to be back here again and I can't wait to down to business!" She replied.

"Well wait no more of course we have six rounds but the format seems to have changed this morning? Is that correct Tre!" Chuck asked. "Yes well that's very true so we start of today with Duets, followed by Male Solo, Female Solo small group Semis and Finals" The Co host explained. "And it looks as if the first studio is ready, up first we have...LOD!"

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LOD were the first to perform in the duet round, the story of their dance was quite repetitive. It had had so many takes on it before. A troupe entered the huge theatre a few moments later, their seats were clearly outlined with the words TNS written on them. It took them a few moments to realise the change, "Why is
There Duets? It's male Solos" Noah said, utterly confused by the situation.

Trudy (Suzanne) Pov
As a troupe is getting into a little fuss, I glance over to the left and See Lucien and then I check my phone and there is a text telling me to meet him by the schedule board.

"Look guys, Okay I'll go check the schedule board and get back to you" Suzanne said, getting up and leaving the threater.


"Wow...chuck look at the lift, beautiful extention. LOD took a knock out at the finals last year when the faced the next step - I don't know about you but I think they have a chance of getting to the finals again this year? The said, astounded by what she was seeing

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