A Team and A family

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Salone's pov
Right now we're just warming up and doing some stretches ready to present our routine to B troupe and J troupe. We have worked hard on this, we really want that 10 point advantage!

"Alright guys, 5 more minutes then I'll get B troupe and J troupe in" Miss Kate said, She had installed a PA system, this allowed her to talk to the dancers if she wasn't able to go to the dance space. Everyone winced as a squeal came from the speakers as Kate attempted to switch it off.

She wasn't exactly getting to grips with it just yet. "Is it off?" She was saying, clueless to the fact that her voice was being projected all over the studio. "I don't think it's off?" She said. "You will do as I say!" She yelled, shaking the PA microphone on her desk.

A troupe could see this through the glass pages in the office walls. "Should I go help her?" Giselle wondered, as she walked over to Emily. The blonde dancer puffed up her face as she thought for a moment. "No, I. Think she be Ok(!)" Said Emily.

Miss Kate's pov
This new system will be the end of Me! Mark my words.


As A troupe kept stretching,a mail man walked into the studio. "Hello, When can I find Miss Kate?" The man was carrying a box with some cards. "Is there anything from the Nationals board today?" Emily asked.

The man shook his head, "No not Today" Emily nodded. "Miss Kate's through There" She added and pointed to the office.
The man thanked Emily and proceeded to the office, He knocked on the door and handed the box to kate.

"What do you think it Is?" Riley asked her sister, "I don't know. It's not from the Nationals board" Miss Kate opened the box and a balloon with Happy birthday came out. Emily and Riley both Gasped, "It's her birthday!" She yelled.

"We haven't got her anything" Riley exclaimed.

Emily's pov
I feel so bad that I didn't get miss Kate Anything for he birthday, she's been with us for so long!

Riley's POV
We must get her something before the end of today!


Studio A was buzzing with noise and excitement as the 10 point of team were about to show the rest of the next step the routine. Everyone sat around the outside of the dance space. The room grew silent as Miss Kate walked into the room.

"Alright Everyone, let's get ready to watch the small group! They have all worked incredibly hard to come up with this so can I give you all around of applause!" Said Kate, She began clapping and everyone else followed.

As the dancers got into their beggining positions, the energy that was bouncing off the walls was palpable. They were dancing to 'unsinkable'.

Emily's pov
As we're dancing. It means allot but also because unsinkable was the song I hurt my leg in whilst dancing at Nationals so it's weird to be dancing to it again.

Piper ran towards James who performed their swan lift, he lifted her high above the heads of many dancers. Giselle was watching from the side with a big grin across her face.
The team were in time and working in unison. If they danced like this then the 10 point advantage was there's!

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