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"We get our caps and gowns today!" Jungkook cheered. "I can't wait to leave this hellhole!"

"Me too, this is so exciting." I smiled widely.

We were a week away from graduating from this high school. It's like time flew by really fast. I didn't even notice how fast my senior year passed. I'm finally graduating. I've been dreaming about that specific day for so long and it's finally happening.

Jungkook and I were in class when they called the seniors to go to the gymnasium. We were going to get our caps and gowns there. As soon as we entered, we were hit with the chatter of a hundred other seniors. We all sat on the benches and waited for our names to be called so we can receive our gowns. Jungkook got his stuff so he left the gym.

Finally, my name was called. I walked forward and the p.e teacher handed me my black cap and gown. I smiled at the sight of it and left the gym excitedly. Jungkook was waiting for me by the door.

He hugged me tight then pulled away. "Hoseok, this is really happening!"

"I know!" I smiled widely.

Yoongi and Jimin came up to us and waved their gowns in their hands. Yoongi leaned down and kissed my forehead, smiling. "Hey, princess."

"Hi," I said.

"Have you applied to universities?" He asked.

"Yeah, multiple ones just in case."

"Which one do you have in mind? Like you're set on going to?"


"Awe, I applied for it too but I really want to go to University of California."

"Me too." I gasped.

"What if we end up going to the same university?"

"That's gonna be even better. I can't handle long distance relationships." I frowned.

"Neither can I." He mumbled.

"Hopefully we end up in the same one."

"Yeah, hopefully."


It was now a day before graduation. Tomorrow I'm going to graduate and leave this school. Finally. I've been waiting for so long and the day is finally here. I went downstairs and met my mom in the middle of the stairway.

"I made cupcakes as a present for graduating." She said. "They're on the kitchen counter. I'm gonna go have a nap so don't make any noise."


I went to the kitchen and saw the blood red cupcakes sitting on the counter, waiting for me to eat them up. I picked the one with the most frosting and took a huge bite of it. Some of the frosting landed on my nose but I didn't care that much about it since the cupcake was just too good.

After I ate a few more, I decided to go watch a movie. I went to the living room and turned on the TV. There were no nice movie on right now but there was The Vampire Diaries. I mean, that's a good show, right? Who wouldn't want the Salvatore brothers in their lives? I laughed to myself and continued to watch the show.


I was in the middle of cleaning my room—because I was too bored—when someone rang the doorbell. I groaned and called for my parents.

"Can you get that, honey? I'm busy with your dad here!" My mom called back.

"Yeah, busy violating my PDA rules." I mumbled to myself and walked downstairs to open the door.

As soon as I opened it, someone came barging in. I yelped at the sudden slam of the door but calmed down when I noticed it was just Yoongi. I closed the door and took him up to my room, well tried to, he didn't move.

"Yoongi? What's wrong?" He looked up and I gasped. He was crying. Now I was worried. "What happened?"

"Something bad happened. Something really, really bad happened, Hoseok." He said. His voice was low and deep. It would've been intimidating if it weren't for his red eyes.

"What happened?" I asked again.

"The police called."

"Yeah, and?"

"He escaped."

oh shit lol

wrapped。 yoonseok Where stories live. Discover now