Chapter 1 - Bonfire Nights

Start from the beginning

"Is she still torturing you?"Kim asks

"Yeah psychos bitch just needs to move on."Beth laughs getting out the car

When we walk into the Williams home I smell cookies in the oven and know that Kim's Mom is home. We walk to the kitchen while Kim and Beth mock Beth's old girlfriend Sarah. I never liked Sarah she always seemed to have hidden prospects. Not that I would say anything to Beth.

Damn I love coming to this house. Everything is so homey here. I love the fact that everybody is so close and shares everything.

"Hello Misses Williams ."I say hugging their Mom as they both kissed there Mom on the cheek

"Hello sweetheart , Hello Kimmy .Beth did you throw away those cigarette buds I asked?"Her Mom asks Beth

"Mom I am 25 you can't tell me what to do."Beth say with her hand on her hips all dramatic

Her Mom just looking at her straight in the eyes and Beth quickly deflates.

"Sorry Mommy I will go do that now."She says  disappearing around the corner almost running.

 Shaking her head she takes my hand "I will call your Mom tonight and asks her if you can stay here with us this weekend we are off to our old camping spot with the RV."Her Mom says her face lighting up at the talks of it.

I turn to Kim seeing her roll her eyes making a puking sound "Yeah Han. IT Really is..Amazing."She mocks her mother taking me by the arm dragging me out of the kitchen.

Finally after a series of tv shows we decide to start with our dumb assignment .All three of us lay on the bed trying to do this stupid assignment well not really Kim she is basically just on her phone telling us what to do .Mostly me and Beth doing everything . That is the way it usually was.

"So where is your dad now?"Beth asks out of nowhere

"In Africa. He will be home In a few months."I say seeing her nod

"This doctors without borders thing must really suck for your mom and you. I mean you not seeing your dad and your mom not getting laid."She says earning a kick from Kim

"I'm sure they can wait a few months they love each other."I say smiling to myself

Mom and dad have been together for just over 30 years now and they couldn't be happier. I know they hate being apart and my dad keeps telling me he wishes he could spend more time with me but to be honest I know they both are just trying to provide a better future for than what they grew up in.

"Maybe when your are older you will understand the physical urge."She says smiling knowingly at me. The all knowing Beth.

"Beth stop speaking to her like she is a toddler."Kim says shaking her head in annoyance. "Do you always have to make us feel inferior?"Kim says half yelling at Beth.

Oh yeah when I said the family was extremely close I meant Beth and Kim also fight like emenies. Its actually quite funny to watch because within an hour one or the other will be apologizing and hugging the other or smothering them with kisses.

"Well she is still a kid and so are you."Beth says lighting another cigarette glaring at Kim. "Can we just finish this assignment before you have a break down?"She says

I hated it when she talked to me like I was stupid. Like I didn't understand anything about sex or anything about lust. I know I am not as educated as whoever but I do know enough to hold up a conversation. I knew Kim hated it as well. Some of it mostly yo do with the fact that Beth doesn't want Kim doing those things and doesn't like talking about it around her. Thsi is one of the first times she didn't want to talk to me about sex.

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