6. Shedding the Extra Pounds

Start from the beginning

"Well, there is always the phone. But, when I come down to Houston to visit family, I'll be sure to look you up," said Normani. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," Ally replied.

"I'm just curious. Did anything ever happen between you and Will?" Normani inquired.

"After we broke up, Will and I had a fling," answered Ally.

"I have another question," Normani notified Ally.

Ally giggled, "Am I being interrogated right now?"

"I took offense to you calling me paranoid," Normani admitted. "You could be right. Maybe I was. I just want you to be honest with me. Did you ever cheat on me?"

Ally picked up her glass of water. Her hand was shaking so much, water almost splashed out. Normani grew impatient.


"Well, it depends on what you call cheating," said Ally.

Normani gave Ally a look of annoyance. "Just spill it."

"I made out with this girl at a party, but I was drunk," Ally revealed. "It was just my wild and crazy college days. I knew I would be held to a very high standard as a clergy member, so I guess I was kind of getting it all out of my system when I could."

Normani stroked her chin. "Hmmm. So, I wasn't being paranoid. You were an untrustworthy slut."

Ally gasped, "I wouldn't go that far. What I did was wrong, but I didn't sleep with anyone except for you. You seem to still be very angry about our relationship. It's been a long time, Normani. Let it go."

"It's just that I broke up with my high school sweetheart because I fell for you," explained Normani. "It's alright. What's done is done."

"If it makes you feel any better, I truly am sorry, not only for cheating, but for lying about it. However, I am not taking the blame for your long distance relationship falling apart. I told you it wouldn't work out," Ally divulged.

"I know, I know, I know. Even though you flirted with me relentlessly, I only have myself to blame for ending things," Normani conceded.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. Like I said, long distance relationships aren't easy, and she was the one who decided to go to school far away. It doesn't seem as if you were her priority," added Ally.

Normani agreed, "That's what made me so mad. She chose her dream school over me when there were perfectly fine schools in Texas. Whatever. I need to stop dwelling on the past."

The two women chatted some more until they finished their food. Ally had to go facilitate a class at the camp. Normani went back home to plan her trip to Paris.

She was about to put her key in the lock when she remembered that Lauren wanted her to listen to some new tracks. While she didn't appreciate her ex-girlfriend making a move on her the other day, she didn't feel a need to avoid her. Honestly, she felt a bit sorry for her. Lauren seemed to be lonely. Normani could imagine that she had to cut off all her friends and even her band members in order to abstain from drugs. Things ended badly between the two, but she had to remind herself that Lauren was in her addiction. It was the addiction talking and not the real Lauren.

Normani walked down the hallway to the singer's door and knocked. She didn't know if she would be home, but it turned out that she was. Lauren had a smile on her face when she opened the door.

"I didn't think you'd come by," said Lauren.

"Why?" asked Normani as she stepped inside Lauren's apartment.

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