Chapter 19: Innocent Teasing

Start from the beginning

"Yes? " I answered. It suprised me that my voice was steady although my legs were shaking. "Ill meet you down stairs." I told him as I walked out. My clit throbbed against my panties. I knew that if I had stayed longer Daniel and I would have gone futher than we had gotten this morning, even if hot sex with Daniel was appealing I knew it would only cause destruction. My skin clammy and boiling I walked through the corridors and towards my room.

After creeping into my room changing into a pair of pajama shorts and top without waking up Melanie who appeared to be dead sleep, I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen.
Daniel's staff had cleaned the kitchen to the point where the countertops gleamed and the cubbords sparkled. I was getting started on breakfast when I heard Daniel walk into the kitchen.

"What are you making? " he asked. I looked over my shoulder to see him pick out an apple and take a bite out of it. I couldn't look him in the eye. My skin grew clamy again and a rosy blush Florished across the apples of my cheeks. I just wanted to sit on his face. I just wanted him to make love to me senselessly. I cleared my throught, scolding myself for such breathtakingly sexy thoughts.

"I dont know yet. What do you want to eat?" I asked. Daniel didn't reply and I'd assumed that he left. I got to work cutting up some mushrooms and peppers for an omlet. Thus had to stop, this amount of desire for one person wasn't normal. Hormones, that was it.

It wasn't until I felt his heated breath against my neck that I noticed Daniel hadn't left the kitchen. I felt one of his hands grab my waist as his lips brush against my ear. My heart pounded against my chest and I felt my knees weaken.

"You. " He whispered while he roughly turned me around. His lips meet mine in a hungry and passionate kiss. After I had gotten over the state of shock I was in, I kissed him back egerly. His lips gentle as he kissed me with such lust and skill. His tounge swiped across my bottom lip, silently asking to enter. I complied and opened my mouth as we fought for dominance. It didnt take long for Daniel to win our little battle. Kissing Daniel was like eating ice cream, utterly delicious and satisfying.  After we continuously tugged and pulled at each others lips, we pulled away, his forhead lent against mine as we caught our breath. It was the first time Daniel's steel eyes were unguarded and he freely showed emotion. We both laughed as we noticed the mess we made in the kitchen. All the things I had gotten out were all over the countertop and the floor.

"How about we go out for breakfast?" He asked as I laughed and nodded as Daniel led me out the house, making sure there was no one to harm me.

"Where have you two been?!" A annoyed Melanie asked as we walked into the house. Breakfast was absolutely amazing. Daniel had taken me to a local bakery and we had gotten some chocolate croissants from there. Of course a good five guards  subtly watched as we ate and we're on the look out for any suspicious behavior from locals, but I didn't really notice them. Probably because I was lost in Daniel's Enchanting eyes.

"Daniel are you kidding me?! We have to leave in two hours and you both still aren't dressed." She scolded with her manicured hands placed firmly on her hips. Melanie was one sassy lady.

"Calm down Mel, it's two hours not two minutes." Daniel told her as he rolled his eyes.

"Where are we going?" I asked, completly lost. Daniel hadn't mentioned anything about going somewhere to me and here melanie was shouting because we were going to be late.

"He hasn't told you? We have a charity ball to go to tonight." She asked.

"She isn't going." Daniel's deep voice rang out. My heart plunged at his words. Who was I kidding Daniel wouldn't want me there. Instantly my mind went to the kiss we had this morning. They way he gripped my hips and kissed me intensly. I couldn't help but feel like another one of his favors. Was just another warm body that he could use to help him with his release?

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