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It's night when I wake up, and I'm feeling relatively good again. I'm very hungry and my head is a lot clearer than it was...whenever I got back from my escape. It might have been hours, or maybe it's been days. I don't know. I sit up tentatively, afraid that my head will begin to pound and the room will spin again. Instead, my head is pain-free and the room remains where it should be. Speaking of which, I've been moved. No more stark white walls and bright lights. I believe I am in a guest room. It doesn't smell distinctly male like Paul's did.

I stand up, relieved to feel that my ankle is healed too. Whatever medicine I was on definitely worked; I feel better than I did before I was captured. The room I'm in is dark except for the small amount of moonlight filtering through a cluster of trees. A quick look around reveals nothing odd or out of the ordinary; just a regular guest room for a regular guest.

I pat the pockets of my jacket, disappointed that the feminine products are missing. So are my boots, instead replaced by some black running shoes with bouncy soles. They must've figured out that I store most of my weapons in them. Quickly, I steal into the bathroom and snag some more feminine hygiene products, stashing them in my jacket pockets once again. After this is done, I stand before the door to prepare myself for some fighting. They've got to have guards standing outside of it; they'd be stupid not to. I swallow hard once before stepping forward and slowly turning the knob, feeling excited whenever it turns all the way before realizing that it's not moving the door. There's an outside deadbolt in place; there's no way I could get through this thing.

I sigh in defeat and go sit on the bed, pressing my lips together tightly. If I'm under lock and key like this all the time there's no way I'll be able to escape. My only other option at this point would be the window, and Paul already told me it's plexiglass. No way I can get through that. Unless...

My head shoots up, and I immediately begin patting around the bra I am wearing to try and find my cleverly concealed weapon. If they found this, I truly am out of options. With a huge wave of excitement and relief, my fingers ghost over a nondescript lump on the side of my bra. I begin to run over it, feeling for the minuscule opening that the weapon has to be forced through. After a moment of pushing and prodding, I am finally rewarded with a tiny pocket knife.

A glance around the room one more time in a quick three-sixty reassures me that nobody is here, preparing to pounce at any moment. I grip the tiny knife in my hand and walk over to the window, feeling around the edge of it for a seam in the wood. When I find it, I immediately shove my knife into and begin to work the wood easily with it. It pops the seal around the window loose quickly, and once that is done I begin to cut and saw around the corners of the window. It's slow going, but once I get one corner free the rest is easy.

It takes about twenty minutes to take out the window alone, never mind the screens. There are two in my way; one of them tears away easily but the other must've been made of steel. It wouldn't give for anything, so I was forced to cut it out of the frame as well. Once everything is leaned over against the side of the bed, I peek out the window and see one lone guard all the way at the corner of the house. It's not a long drop; this room is only on the first story. I climb out of my window lithely, creeping alongside the house to remain unseen.

The guard is an easy target. His eyes are heavy with sleep and his posture is stooped. He doesn't even yell whenever I slit his throat; he just falls to the ground with a muffled thump. I stare down at the body, waiting for it to melt into sand or clay like they usually do. Instead, this man's carnage stays. It must be different whenever their forms aren't the same. Wolves turn to sand and man stays a corpse. Shrugging, I pocket my little knife and take off towards the trees. I don't bother with concealment now; I just want to get home. At the pace I've set myself, I can go a couple hours without stopping for a break.

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