Hide and Seek | Chapter 2 | Aomine

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"Aomine, is something wrong?" His voice always calls me back to reality, but only because it terrifies me to think of what plan he'll cook up next if I don't respond. Imayoshi you seriously have a twisted personality...

"Nothing..." I reply blankly as I lean back in my seat. I told him not to visit me during lunch anymore after the way he played me like that, but apparently it doesn't seem as if he's going to be stopping that anytime soon.

At this his mouth seems to twist into that signature grin of his. "Ah, you're mad because I won't let you eat lunch alone anymore is that it?"

His statement makes me scoff and I keep my full attention on my lunch instead of wasting looks at him. "Shut up."

"If I do that it'll be just like you are alone, and we can't have that, can we?" By my angry glance at his face I manage to catch him lifting his glasses back up to his nose again. God, he looks way more cocky when he does that. As if he knows it all...

"Why does it matter to you what I do?" I ask as I glare out the window directly to my left. My seat was all the way in the back by the window- just the way I liked it. Honestly I could get away with a lot more daydreaming this way, and it was easy for me to zone out of I had something interesting like the sky to stare at. "If I want to spend the rest of my life alone it's not like it's your business anyways..."

"You shouldn't speak so bleakly about your future, Aomine." At this he stands up from his chair as he finishes his lunch. "You have many people who depend on you."

"Yeah, whatever..."

He doesn't respond. Doesn't even spare me a glance. He just smiles as he calmly exits from my classroom to go back to his own. I don't understand him. I'll never understand him. But it's not as if there's much I do understand right now.

Since our little 'moment' in the clinic a few days ago it's been one confusing moment after another. One minute I'm alone and the next he's there sliding a hand behind my back. Another minute I turn around and expect him to be there and he's gone.

What does he want? What does he hope to gain by playing mind games with me? It feels as if he's always there- watching me. As if he's standing just behind me- his words tingling against my neck. As if he's right beside me- his breath hot against my earlobe.

Instantly, I grab onto my face and bury it in the desk as I begin to get flustered. "Damnit... Why the hell am I thinking about that?"


Instantly, my face rises and I get into a defensive stance, however, after finding out that it was only Momoi that was calling me made me settle down and I let out a sigh of relief. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

Intrigued, she smiles as she shimmies into the chair beside me. "What's got you so nervous? Found a boyfriend yet?"

"Shut up!" I glare at her as I lean my face on my hand. "Just because I swing both ways doesn't mean you have to make fun of me every day for it..."

"It's not as if you're the only one." She giggles as she laces her hands in front of her ever so daintily. "I'm just being supportive in all forms."

At this I roll my eyes. "You just want to see me go down on a dude, Satsuki."

"What?!" She looked offended as she cast a hand over her chest in defense. "I would never!"

Yeah, I'm definitely not buying it. At about this point in time all the guys are gawking again because Momoi is here and, well, she is the most popular girl in school. "You should probably get out of here. These guys all have the eyes of hungry wolves..." Not quite unlike the look I keep receiving from Imayoshi...

"Well, anyway, I just wanted to see if you and the captain were okay." She mentioned as she stood up from the chair. "You guys seem at odds lately..."

She's right. This entire crazy situation has us both circling around each other- and on the court it tends to leave us neglecting each other. In fact I couldn't remember the last time we passed to one another. Even though I'm the ace he's been refusing to pass to me, and he never talks to me at practice or when basketball ever comes up. I wonder why that is... "You know Imayoshi... He's a weird guy..." I let out a sigh. "I don't really understand it all myself."

"Hmmm...." She looks at me skeptically- as if she's trying to read into the situation. "Maybe you should just ask him seriously? I'm sure there's a reason why he's acting the way he is. He never does anything without a purpose."

And, with a wave, she gave me one last confident smile before she gracefully strolled out the door to go back to her classroom before the next set of classes began. I slouch in my seat as I stare back out the window. "I wonder..."

So, in the back of my mind, I made a mental note to myself that the next time I saw Imayoshi I would pull him aside and ask him what all of this was about. Hopefully I can get a serious answer out of him before I really start to go crazy.

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