Hide and Seek | Chapter 1 | Aomine

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How did I get suckered into this?

One minute I was minding my own business and the next I am standing in between Imayoshi and a brute who calls himself a high school student. Honestly, he's probably on so many drugs you couldn't count them with two hands. Seriously, his veins look like they are literally popping out of his skin. It's actually pretty disgusting... He was actually making Haizaki look good with the way he started punching out anyone in the hallway who got between him and Imayoshi. Which now, well, included me too...

"You got a bone to pick with me, tough guy?" The brute challenged me, crossing his bulging, vein-like arms over his meaty chest.

"That depends." I retort, shrugging my hands into my pockets. "Are you going to continue drawing attention to yourself by being an idiot?"

"What did you say?!" He yelled, grabbing me by my uniform.

"I said that anyone who would punch his way through a hallway just to challenge a guy who called him a name is stupid." I glared at him, however I didn't move. "And is even more stupid if he's about to pick a fight with me."

"You better watch your mouth, asshole!" He yells, reaching up a fist and aiming it at my face.

"You asked for it." I rose my fist, ready to pound it into his abdomen when, lo and behold, someone yells from behind me.

In a panicked state of voice, Imayoshi calls out, "Oi! Aomine! Stop right now!"

Instantly, I'm confused. Last I checked I was defending this guy's honor, so why was he stopping me from beating up a guy who totally deserved it? That didn't stop the brute, though. He punched me right in the jaw- sending me to my knees.

Right before I feel the world spin out of my vision Imayoshi grabs me by the shoulders and steadies me. All I could remember thinking was how much of a weakling I must of looked like, and how much I was going to get back at Imayoshi for this.

~three hours later~

"Are you sure he's going to be okay?" I can hear Imayoshi ask. I barely open my eyes an inch and I can make out him and the nurse standing as they spoke in hushed voices from behind the curtain next to where my bed lied.

The nurse looked down at her clipboard, however she patted Imayoshi on the shoulder to reassure him. "He's going to be fine. He's had worse injuries than this. Just make sure he takes it easy for a few days."

Imayoshi retorts with a "That should be easy." He was probably thinking about my naps I liked to take during practice time, and I wanted to punch him for talking about me to other people. However, he'd probably chastise me for eavesdropping on his conversation.

The nurse walks into the office, and Imayoshi's form is now in view as he walks to my side of the curtain. He sees my eyes barely open, and that grin of his returns to his face. "Ah, you're awake. I thought you'd stay asleep forever."

I was so focused on the conversation between the nurse and Imayoshi that I didn't notice it before, but whenever I attempted to sit up I could feel a pounding in my head and an aching in my cheek. I couldn't see it, but my jaw was probably swollen from that punch. "I wish I was asleep now..." I said with an annoyed tone. I rested my head against the wall, closing my eyes, however I was wide awake.

"School's over, by the way, so you can head home whenever you like," He continued, though I wasn't really concerned with all that he had to say. After all, if I wanted to go home, then I'd just go. Screw the school if it wouldn't let me. I'd go home anyway. However, something else was bugging me...

"Imayoshi..." I began, and then I opened my eyes to take in his confused form. "Why did you stop me?"

Imayoshi pushed his glasses up to his face as he leaned back in his seat. "You go to sleep for three hours and that's what you ask? Nothing about practice, or how the team's doing, or an update on-"

"Shut up!" I yell, which stops him in his ramblings. "Just answer the question!"

I didn't mean to yell so loud, and I wish I wouldn't have now that I've seen his defeated face. However, I wanted to get his attention, and I succeeded. With a sigh, Imayoshi sits up. "If you had participated in that fight you would have gotten suspended just like that guy was, and you wouldn't be able to play in any of the upcoming games. You really need to think before you punch, Aomine."

"Shut up!" I said, however I said it more quietly this time. I looked over at him and that silly grin of his. Somehow, I felt as if that wasn't the only reason he did this. We were a strong team without me, so why did he sound so troubled before, so insistent that I don't get into a fight... There had to be more to it than that, right? "Is that really all? That you don't have faith in your team without me?"

"You make me sound like a tyrant when you put it that way." Imayoshi says with amusement. This guy seriously has a twisted personality... Though, it's not like I didn't already know that.

"I went out of my way to defend you." I narrow my eyes at him. "Don't you think you owe me a true explanation?"

Another sigh. "You're so insistent, Aomine. If only you were this determined to come to practice..."

I grit my teeth. I was tired of yelling at him to shut up. I was tired of not getting answers. So, instead, I just made my way to my feet and walked past him. "Fine, I don't need your sorry-ass excuses anyways."

Before I get past the curtain he gently tugs on my jacket, pulling me back. He throws the curtain in front of us, and he whispers into my ear. "If I tell you will you promise to not tell a soul?"

His warm breath danced over my earlobe. Why was he making this out to be some sort of juicy secret? What kind of reason did this guy have that he needed me to be hush-hush about it? "Fine. Just tell me quickly. I've got things to do..."

And then, out of nowhere, he plants a whisper of a kiss to the top of my earlobe, making me flinch in response. "I wanted to see if you would respond to my demands. Turns out, you did."

"What?!" I demand, shoving him away from me. "So that was all some sort of messed-up experiment you came up with?!"

"Intriguing, wasn't it?" He asks, rather seductively. "How well you managed to respond to my beck and call?"

My eyes widen in recognition. He was right. I saw Imayoshi in trouble and I ran in to protect him without even realizing I was doing it. I was hell-bent on fighting that bully, and with barely a few words he made me turn against it. Just what sort of sorcery was this guy using against me? I don't understand it at all... The way this guy's mind works... The way he plays with other's minds... It's like he's playing a game and nothing is hidden from his view.

"I'm leaving." I announce as I tear away from him and make a dash for the door.

No way was I going to allow him to get into my head! I needed to get as far away from him as I possibly could. Maybe then I could get that image out of my head. That image in which I saw him standing innocently admiring the flowers in his parent's garden. No way was that him! No way...

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