Sweet Guardian | Chapter 2 | Himuro

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"Muro-chin?" Atsushi asks, his head tilted.

As I turn to look at him I notice that pained look in his eyes, and I'm again reminded of how painful this parting is going to be. "Hm?"

"You..." He pauses, reaching his hand out to capture mine. Normally I would have slapped it away, telling him to keep his hands to himself, but I wasn't about to deny him this now. Who knows how long it would be before he got to hold my hand again? "You'll keep in touch, right?"

"Of course I will." I smile faintly. "You just have to text me whenever you're bored, or call."

At this, he sighs. "Okay..."

Here we stand, at the airport, and time was running out for us to speak to one another. My flight was about to arrive, and soon I would be off- back to America. It feels like it's been ages since I've been back, and it would feel like ages again until I would be back in Japan.

I reach out my other hand and reach up to pat his cheek. "Keep your chin up, Atsushi. It's not like I'll be gone forever."

"I know that..." He pushes my hand away, annoyed. "I'm not a child."

I chuckle softly at this. "Sorry, sorry."

One quick announcement over the intercom made us both stand still, tensing up. The moment had finally arrived where we would have to say goodbye. "Muro-chin..."

It's apparent that he doesn't know what to say, and I'm not sure what's best to say, either. "Sorry, Atsushi. I'm not very good with goodbyes..."

However, he didn't seem to mind. Usually, Atsushi didn't need any sort of words at all, and we could usually confirm things by mere glances to each other. However, I never usually expected any sort of action to go along with the silence, either. So, when Atsushi took a step forward, pulling me close to him, I gave him a blank look.

"Atsushi?" I tilt my head. "What are you doing?"

"Shut up..." He mumbles, pulling our faces closer.

I close my eyes for impact. Was he really about to kiss me right now? Right in front of everyone at the airport? Just what was he thinking?!

However, surprising me enough to open my eyes again, all I received was a delicate peck on the nose before Atsushi released me, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "You should hurry. You'll miss your flight."

Again I look at my watch, panic overtaking my body. "Right..." I turn towards the direction of the my terminal, stopping only once to look back at Atsushi.

Atsushi stood in his school uniform, that cocky grin on his face, lazily waving to me as his form of goodbye. I couldn't do anything else but wave back at him, and with such a standoffish goodbye I entered my plane, packed my things, and prepared for a long flight abroad.

It wasn't ten minutes into the plane ride when Atsushi messaged me. Apparently, he was worried that I would ignore him, so I was determined to prove him wrong. I texted him back, giving him a small smile face symbol attached to the end of my sentence. At least I can remember him fondly now, even if that memory might turn bitter down the road.

The plane ride seemed like utter agony. I spent hours upon hours in the same seat, my legs unable to move, and unable to stretch due to those beside me refusing to give me any space with their huge bags. By the time I made it to America it was in the early hours of the morning.

I gathered my belongings, and I easily maneuvered my way back towards the small house I once stayed in before I went back to Japan. Luckily for me, Alex had kept the house for me, and was currently living in it. Hopefully she had become a better roommate since then, but I was glad I wouldn't be living in this house all alone, or I might go completely insane.

As soon as I put the key into the lock, and entered the door, I was terrorized by Alex's affection- hugging and stroking my face as if it'd been ages since she'd last seen me. With a sigh I pushed her away. "Seriously, Alex, you need a hobby... Were you waiting for me this whole time?"

She smiled at that, but she didn't respond. "Anyways, I made dinner for you~"

At first I was skeptical. Normally Alex wasn't one for cooking (as her cooking wasn't that great) but, surprisingly, she managed to make a fine-looking plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Since it'd been hours since I eat I took her up on her offer- digging into the meal without hesitation. It wasn't bad, however I much preferred the dinners I used to make while in Japan.

After dinner I took a bath, and changed into some new clothes. The feel of wearing something new combined with the wonders of the hot water seemed to make all of my stress fade away, and I was instantly prepared for bed. I made my way to the guest bedroom I used to stay in, collapsing onto the bed. My bags were scattered across the room, but I was too tired to unload them right now. They would just have to wait.

I checked my cell phone one last time before I went to bed. There was a new message from Atsushi. Apparently, he was bored again. I couldn't help but smile, and I replied that he should count his fingers, or something. Although, I wasn't sure what the time difference was between us now, so I wasn't sure if he was sleeping, or what could possibly be going on on his end. He didn't respond.

Content with my day I curled up under the covers, and Atsushi's tired face was the last thing on my mind before I fell asleep, hoping that tomorrow would be a day I could look forward to.

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