Shadow Heart | Chapter 1 | Kagami

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Shadow Heart | Chapter 1 | Kagami

"Kagami." Kuroko's voice whispers across the room.

I grumble, rolling over. "Five more minutes."

"Kagami, it's time to get up." Again his quiet voice disturbs my rest.

"Shut up." I bury my face in my pillow, blocking out all the light in my vision. "I said five more minutes."

"You said five minutes twenty minutes ago."

I roll back over, facing him, a scowl on my face. "Would you stop bothering me?! I can wake up my own damn self!"

"Liar." He's sitting on the floor beside my bed, resting his chin on my sheets so that he can look at me. "You'd be late every day if I didn't come over."

"S-Shut up!" I jolt out of bed, picking him up by his collar. "I was just fine before you, and I'm just fine now, so stop bothering me!"

His legs are a bit shaky from suddenly standing up. I really do wonder how long he'd been attempting to get me out of bed, how long he'd been sitting there, but I guess it doesn't really matter now. His eyes go a bit wider, but he doesn't try to fight back- he never does. "I'm sorry." And, just as quietly as he entered, he exits my room.

And again I stand here, my hand scratching the back of my head, cursing at myself for getting angry at him again. "Damnit."

This has been my daily routine for the past month ever since Kuroko and his family moved in across the street. Since he lived so close he decided to come over often, and unexpectedly. We spent all day at school together, practiced together, and when we got home we would spend all evening together watching basketball games, or practicing outside with the small practice court I had installed outside my house. We've spent so much time together that it's practically a norm for us now.

But, even though I'm sort of used to him, I still get angry at him sometimes. We've only fought a few times, and they weren't huge arguments, but we never stayed angry for more than a few days after. And, just like always, he would wake me up again a few days later and we would be best friends again.

So, knowing this probably wouldn't last more than a few minutes, I decide to get up and get ready. Since we didn't really even argue this time I could probably head downstairs and apologize fast enough to where we could even have breakfast together.

I throw on my uniform, and dash down the stairs and into the living room, hoping to find him. "Kuroko?"

"Kagami, don't be late," he answers from the front door.

Was he really going to leave without me? "Oi! Kuroko!" I dash towards the door, catching it just before it closed.

Kuroko turns to look at me, his eyes completely emotionless. He doesn't answer me. He just turns away, his hands clutching at his messenger bag strap that is tight against his chest. I curse at myself in my head. I wish I could dash after him, but Kuroko was right- if I don't hurry I'm going to be late. I have to finish getting ready before I get to school.

I close the front door, walking back into my house. Normally Kuroko and I would have a hearty breakfast before school, but I didn't have time to fix myself any more than a few pieces of toast if I was going to make it to school on time. I throw my messenger bag over my shoulder, grab my toast as soon as it pops out of the toaster, and head out. I suppose I'll just have to talk to Kuroko in class, or at practice.

I clench my hand into a fist, eyes set in determination. There was no way I was going to let this morning beat my entire day.

I didn't see Kuroko all the way to school. I saw him in and out of class, but the crowd moved so quickly around him that I didn't even get a chance to talk to him. He became invisible more than once today just to keep me away. Was he ignoring me?

I will definitely have to see him at practice, though, so I'll make amends then. No way would this day beat me!

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