Destiny | Chapter 3 | Takao

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Destiny | Chapter 3 | Takao

I didn't have to dash quite as long as I expected. I thought I would have to run all the way to Shin-chan's place a few blocks over, but by the time I make it to the end of my street I saw him walking in my direction, the light post casting a glare on the lenses of his glasses.

"Shin-chan!" What was he doing walking these streets in the middle of the night? Doesn't he know it's dangerous?

I stand there, eyes wide, as he continues walking in my direction. His eyes show determination, and they're set on me. Is he upset with me? But why wait until now to go find me and tell me about it? Why not just wait until tomorrow?

"Takao." He reaches his hand to firmly push his glasses back in place. "So there you are."

"What?" I cross my arms over my chest, a cocky grin forming my face. "You mean to tell me that you were actually looking for me?"

He just keeps walking forward. "Of course."

His seriousness about all this and that determined look in his eyes is all starting to scare me. I shrug in reply. "Sorry, but maybe I didn't want to be found by you."

"Don't be bitter. That's my job." He finally reaches me, sliding his hands into his pants pockets.

I scoff. "Apparently your job is to be an arrogant prick. How can I not be bitter after you so blatantly ignore me all day?"

"You knew my nature as soon as you met me." The way he blatantly states the obvious makes me even more bitter. "Why does it bother you now?"

"It doesn't bother me at all! I don't give a damn about you!" My eyes go wide at my own statement. Why does my bad personality always take over at times like these? That's not what I came here to say at all!

"Is that so?" He seems to be unconvinced. "The way your body is shaking tells me you're lying."

He's right. My entire body is shaking. I'm scared. I'm bitter. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. Why do his actions make me this way? "You talk too much." He's different. So much different than the Shin-chan I knew when we first met. "What's gotten into you lately?"

"Yesterday was simply an abnormality in my fortune." He looks into my eyes. "It's past midnight now, so it's a new day. My fortune has changed. That's all."

I blink. "What are you saying?"

"My fortune yesterday warned against your sign, so I simply stayed away from you to keep my bad luck to a minimum." He explains.

I grit my teeth. "Seriously?! You did all that just because of some stupid fortune?!"

"Of course." He seems taken aback. "There is no other reason."

I groan in frustration, letting out a sigh. "For someone so complicated you're motives are always surprisingly simplistic."

He takes a step behind me. "The same goes for you, Takao."

I shrug. I suppose I couldn't deny it. "But why did you come over here so late? It could've waited until the morning."

"Because idiots like you have wandering minds. If I don't explain my reasoning you get anxious and make stupid assumptions. It would simply be a pain to wait any longer than necessary."

"You know you can just be honest and say you wanted to crash at my place." I smile, turning to walk beside him.

"Shut up."

As cruel as his words are Shin-chan is actually quite kind. He's rude, arrogant, selfish, but he always looks after the people close to him. Thinking about it only makes me jealous, though.

He always used to be alone, the distance of his heart as long as his shots, but now he's much closer to his team than ever before. Will he start opening up and being kinder to everyone now? Will I lose my chance to win him over now that he's opening up his heart to the world?

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