Chapter Three

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Castle was soaked to the bones, even though the rain was beginning to let up a little. His face was weary and his entire body, limped along the way.

While Sterling Anders having seen a lone figure walking in the rain, he asked his partner to put away his weapon to go outside to put up the hood to check underneath as part of the scenario, while Anders would be behind the wheel playing his part.

He started to holler at him, while Castle having to be careful with his movements, asked them on whether what was wrong, while asking to use the cell phone. He pounded on the window, yelling. "Open up please, I need your help, I have two injured women on the back road from the lightening hitting a tree to have crashed into it."

"Sorry sir, we can't move at the moment, we have been trying to start up the van for almost 30 minutes now from the storm, maybe if the rain stops, we will be able to start it up again, your welcomed to stay in the back until the storm stops.

Castle sounded impatience with his words. "All right I will get into the back for now, but I need to call for help as soon as possible, once I am able to get a signal on my cell phone." While he tries to dry off, when Sterling gave the signal to wait for now, until the time was right to move on him and the others.

Castle was working himself into a crazy man, worrying a great deal having to be stuck with these two, possible trouble, he didn't know for the moment, since both men were very quiet reading a newspaper, while the other was closing his eyes to take a nap of sorts.

He steadied himself, taking hold wishing for the rain to stop, but than again he needed to ready himself. He wanted to scream at his wife's name. "Kate."

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