I was in shock the few seconds my body was completely on top of his, my face almost smacking into his. Aaron took no time at all to enjoy the situation. A smile spread on his face when he realized our proximity. My arms were rested on either side of his body and our faces were millimeters from each other’s. As I looked into his eyes, I felt his warm breath blowing out of his lips as he breathed. Time stood still and my heart started to flutter in my chest. It was a moment like this that I had been waiting for, as he looked up and down searching for permission. It was a perfect moment—only to be ruined by Mrs. Jameson.

“Ahem,” she cleared her throat. Immediately, I looked up, rolled off Aaron quickly, and stood up. “You two are like a flipping light switch. One minute you are at each other’s throat and the next you are goggle-eyed for one another,” she said as she shaking her head.

“Um, what did you need Mrs. Jameson?” I asked straightening up my clothes that were twisted, remembering that it was her who had called us down in the first place.

“I need you two to clean your rooms and get ready for dinner—” she stopped and started giggling. Aaron and I both looked at her confused. “Aaron, what the heck do you have in your nose?” she asked walking up to Aaron and yanking on the tampon string. He must have forgotten about shoving up his nose.

“Ouch!” he pulled back from her rubbing his nose.

“Why do you have women’s feminine products in your nose?” she asked holding it up in her hands with a quizzical expression plastered on her face.

“Because he is a pain in my ass,” I replied sarcastically.

“Language missy,” she scolded, throwing the tampon in the garbage shaking her head. “Now dinner is in an hour so get to work you too,” she said, walking back into the kitchen.

“Mrs. Jameson, I’m going for a walk first. I will be back before dinner,” I yelled into the kitchen, hurrying out of the house.

“Okay hon, dinner is in an hour.”

Mrs. Jameson was a widow in her mid-fifties, a good housekeeper, and a great cook. The house was nice despite the lack of space but there was no hope of us being actually adopted by someone; we were too much trouble for anyone.

I let out a sigh as I reached the street. I started jogging at a steady pace and slowly I reached a faster pace. I kept up this pace for a few minutes until I could feel it burning in my lungs. My legs felt like Jelly but I continued running faster and faster, enjoying the wind in my hair and the ache in my lungs. I loved it because it kept me active considering I had two left feet at just about anything I did but running. I didn’t realize where I was headed until I cut across the grass of a house into a park.

I had found the park the first day we were here. The cold wind felt great on my still blood-less face as I stopped to catch my breath. I knew it wouldn’t be long before Aaron came after me. It seemed that everywhere I went, Aaron and I had this magnetic pull toward each other, and he eventually followed behind. I took the brief seconds alone to calm myself.

We had been inseparable since the age of five. As far back as I could remember we would nag one another and I would end up smacking him and running away. This was how I came across this park. Aaron and I got into it and I started running until I stumbled across the swings. I sat here for hours until he came and found me. Even though we aren’t blood related, some of the time it felt like we were telepathic or something similar to that. We were stuck like glue at the hip to one another one.

Every time I ran away, he could find me. He usually gave me enough time to cool off and collect my thoughts, but he always came to find me. It’s something I eventually might thank him for one day.

Stuck with Stupid (NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें