Blind Not Deaf~2

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep

Axel's ear perked to the sudden sound.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep

He knew that sound from anywhere. His heart rate picked up faster on what he knew was a monitor. He hoped and prayed he wasn't the hospital.

"Can you hear me Axel." A female voice spoke.

Axel opened his eyes to darkness.

'Who turned off the lights?' His eyebrows knotted together.

"Can you turn on the lights?" Axel's dry voice said.

"They're on Axel, you just can't see them." Axel shot up from the bed and hit his head on a hard object.

An 'ow' escaped his lips.

"Mom, Dad?!" He called out for them.

"Calm down Axel." The nurse tried to sooth him.

"Mom, Dad?!" Axel shouted louder and so did the machine.Tears escaped from his eyes as he started hyperventilating.

Axel was so confused and terrified. Where were his parents? Why was he in the hospital? Most importantly, why couldn't he see?

"Axel, sweetie calm down. We're here." His mother held his face in between her hands.

"Why can't I see!" Axel touched his eyes.

They were open but why couldn't he see anything?

Mrs. Rodgers hugged her husband and cried on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Axel're blind." Mr. Rodgers said as he tried to keep himself from losing his composer.

"Axel...they tried everything they could...but they couldn't save your sight." He heard his brother Jc say.

Jc did his best to explain what happened to his brother but it all being overwhelming for him, Jc could no longer keep himself together.

"They said you began to gain too much infection and you had a really high fever." Axel couldn't believe the words he was hearing. Was he really blind? Did it mean he would never going to see again?

"I'm going to always love you Axel. Blind or not, you're still my brother." Axel began to cry as Jc embraced his brother.

A million questions ran through his head. What about baseball and going to school? There were so many things Axel yet looked forward to.

Axel's body racked as a sob escaped his throat. He didn't know what it was like being blind nor was he ready.The Rodgers family believed that everything happened for a reason but this one is left with an unknown purpose.

Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers had no idea how they were going to raise their son from that day. Nor did they know what to except.

Axel fell asleep after the nurses tried to help feed and bathe him.

Jc sat at the end of his brother's bed, looking down on his brother's peaceful figure. Jc would never wish this on his worst enemy no matter how much he and that person didn't get along.

No one in the world deserves this. His job now as an older brother is to be there for Axel.

"I love you little bro." Jc said and layed across the foot of Axel's hospital bed.


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