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Harry was tired and hungry, he needed blood. Him and his pack haven't eaten in days, they were weak and in danger as the pack of werewolves were closing in day by day.

"Sir, we need to go into town, Liam's almost faint." Niall and Liam were under Harry in the pack, they'd been separated from the rest of the pack, they had a few dozen members but the werewolves attacked them when the three were on a hunt to bring back food, causing the three to run, unable to get back to the pack without being killed.

"We need to put more space between us and those blasted dogs." Harry growled, he knew Niall was right but he didn't want to risk any of them being killed when out on a hunt.

"Sir, Liam needs blood, he can barely walk." Niall pleaded and after a moment of silence Harry agreed to go get food, only if Niall stayed with Liam. "Yes Sir." Niall said obediently, making his way over to Liam who was only a few feet away, curled in a ball, his sharp teeth puncturing his bottom lip in search of blood. "Liam, stop, it's only going to weaken you." Niall sat Liam up.

"I need blood Ni." Liam was desperate for blood, Liam could feel his body growing weaker with every passing second.

"I know Liam.... Here." Niall pulled his shirt over his head, moving closer to the weakest and baring his neck.

"Niall I can't, you know wh-"

"You need blood and I have some." Niall urged, they both knew the consequences for drinking blood from a vampire, it resulted in a bond of sorts. Nothing romantic, no, it was a blood bond.

"Are you sure?" Liam asked, already leaning forward, his fangs elongating, his mouth watering and his hands moving up to grab at Niall. Niall just nodded, hissing in pain when he felt the fangs puncture his skin and dig deep into his veins, pulling blood from his body.

Niall felt his eyelids growing heaver as seconds passed and turned into minutes. Liam still drinking, used to draining humans. "L-Liam." Niall tried to warn the other of his weakening state. "Liam." Niall smelt something gross, something dangerous and wet. "Liam, close, t-t-they're close." Niall let his eyelids close, the weight of them too much to hold up any longer.

After a few more seconds the feeling of his blood being pulled from his body was gone. "C'mon." Liam picked up the blonde who was about as weak as Liam before his meal.

Liam stood, holding his friend close to his body as he took off running at an inhuman speed towards town, knowing he needed to find shelter for Niall and him.


Harry followed a man into an ally, a long dark ally. He let his hood fall and and he pinned the man against the wall in a millisecond, his supernatural strength holding the man against the wall. "I'm sorry. " Harry muttered before sinking his fangs into the skin, his taste buds exploding a his favorite liquid poured down his throat, the metallic taste coating his mouth and tongue.

"V-Vampire." The man went limp in his hold and Harry drained his body, enough blood for three but Harry needed his strength if he was going to find two more meals for his fellow hunters.

Harry left the crumpled body in the ally before going off in search from more lives to take.

Harry had knocked out a woman and a man and was about to leave towards the woods when he smelt a dying Vampire, Niall. Harry dropped the unconscious woman against a wall in the dark before heaving the man on his shoulder.

Harry sniffed his way to an abandoned warehouse, catching a small glimpse or bright blonde hair before a door was slammed shut.

Harry was opening the door easily and quickly sniffed his way through the warehouse to the upper levels and found Liam setting Niall down carefully. "What did you do?!" Harry growled at Liam, his eyes zeroing in on the bite marks on Niall's neck, the smell of the Irish one weakening and potentially dying filled his nose.

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