Katrina and Siwon Meet

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Katrina headed to the conference room to set everything up for the meeting that was to be taking place in just few minutes. She put scripts, pens, note pads, and water by each chair.  Making sure everything was neatly in place, she really didn't want her boss to find another reason to yell at her.

After she had gotten off the phone with her boss earlier, she went to the restroom to pull herself together. She really didn't want be at work today with the way she was feeling.  Obviously her mind was elsewhere, being as she forgot to go pick up one of the stars from the airport.

That had never happened to her before, forgetting something so important; she was surprised that she was still here actually. She would have thought her boss would have fired her by now, since she had been screwing up so badly lately. Forgetting to pick up that guy from the airport was one of many things that seemed to be slipping her mind lately. She wondered what he was waiting on. He had fired people for far less things then this before. Maybe he feels sorry for me Katrina thought, then again probably not.

Hearing a knock on the door Katrina looked up to see one of the few people she could stand to talk to in this place.

"Hey babygirl, wassup," Danny said in a cheerful voice. When Katrina turned to answer him Danny knew two things immediately one his girl had been crying recently and two it wouldn't take much more for her to break.

"Nothing major, except I forgot to go and get one of the key stars from the airport, and before that I had a little bit of a mental breakdown. But other than that my day has been going great, how about you how's your day been." Katrina replied in a sarcastic tone. Turning around before he could see the tears that had started to form in her eyes.

"Aww, sweetie, you having a bad day again." Danny asked as he walked over to give her a hug, turning her to face him, he saw the tears that where welling up in her eyes. Looking down at his friend he knew that there wasn't much he could do to help her, but give her the comfort she so greatly needed. Even though he didn't know the entire situation, he still felt bad that a person as sweet and caring as Trina had to go through so much.

Last time she was like this he'd taken her to lunch, and made her laugh so hard she'd almost peed her pants. He knew that making her laugh would help her get over what was bothering her quickly, so that she could continue on with her day. But today it looked like it would take much more than making her laugh to help her get over what was bothering her. He would really like to take her out somewhere were the two of them could talk in private, but knew that was impossible with the meeting getting ready to start in just a few minutes.

"Hey, babygirl I don't know what's going on with you, but you really need to pull yourself together. Why don't you head on into the restroom splash some water on your face to get rid of some of the puffiness around your eyes and come back here, I'll take care of the rest of this." Giving her a small smile he turned her in the direction of the door.

Stepping into the conference room that was just pointed out to him by the busty blonde at the front desk, Siwon looked up and meet a pair of big, dark brown eyes staring straight at him and he marveled at how innocent and vulnerable they seemed to him. Though there were tears and a sad look in those eyes, they were still the most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen. Siwon instantly felt a pull in his gut, telling him that the owner of those eyes would become very important to him. Just by the way he felt the need to grab that person and protect them from whatever heartache they might be suffering.

Whenever he got one of those feelings there was nothing anyone could say or do that would stop him from doing what he wanted. Just like when he decided to come into this industry, he parents, friends and family all tried to stop him, they didn't understand why he would want to put himself through something as hard as being an entertainer in Korea, especially when he already had everything a person could dream of. They didn't understand that he wanted to become his own man, and not just his father's son.

Taking in the situation at hand in just a few seconds, he came to the conclusion that he would do anything to get this woman to be a part of his life. Even if it meant kicking the big white guys ass that had his hands on her shoulder. To him it looked like maybe that guy was trying to assault or harass her. Now he may be an asshole to females something times, (and he was using the terms females), because he would never treat a woman the same way he treated some of the females he came across on the road, especially if she was his woman. No he would never do that, and he defiantly wouldn't be putting his hands on them, no matter how the female carried herself.

"Hey, hands off, the lady, Siwon yelled in his limited English. He didn't know if the man removed them so quickly because he asked, or if it was because the lady in question stepped away from him at that moment.

"I'm sorry may I help you?" Said the sweetest voice Siwon had ever heard.            

Siwon was finally able to drag his eyes away from the big white guy and looked into the face of the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen. And he wasn't just talking about her outward appearance because babygirl was stacked for days.

WHOA ! Siwon thought, taking a moment to take in all the delicious curves she was displaying.  Wow would you look at all that, this woman is just simply gorgeous. I wonder if her skin is as soft as it looks. She has the most amazing set of tits I have ever seen, I wonder if I ask nicely enough if she'd let me touch them. I just want to lay my head on her chest and take a nap they look so pillowy soft. And if the front is this amazing I know the back has got to be the BOMB. She like my perfect woman with ass and tits for days.

"Hello, excuse me, are you listening to me, I asked if you needed help."

Pulling him self from his thoughts Siwon tuned into what the little Goddess had to say. From the look on her face he did it just in time, he knew he'd be caught ogling her chest, because she looked on the verge of kicking him in the nuts. Plus the big white guy behind her had suddenly step in front of her as if to protect her from his gaze.

Hey wait a minute I thought I was rescuing her from him. Oh well time to state my purpose from being here.

"Choi Siwon one of Koreas top Idols here to become a Hollywood star. Nice to meet you."

At the mention of Korea and Idol Katrina wanted to crawl into a hole and die. So this was the guy I was suppose to pick up from the airport. She wondered if she should apologize to him now or later. Now would probably be better, she didn't want him to think the Americans were inconsiderate unprofessional who couldn't own up to their mistakes.

Giving him a slight smile that probably looked more like a grimace she introduced herself.

"Katrina Jackson, Mr. Giovanni's assistant. Sorry I wasn't able to retrieve you from the airport, it sort of slipped my mind. I hope it didn't cause you too much trouble." She finished hoping that he believed her sincere apology.

And in that moment his whole demeanor changed. Uh Oh, Katrina thought to her self.

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