Katrina's Day

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She was having the worst day ever. First she learns that her best friend Lena is moving away and then she heard people talking about her behind her back. Normally Katrina Jackson didn't listen to a word people said about her but lately she was letting things get to her. She was starting to feel bad about herself like something was wrong with her. She guessed it wouldn't be hard especially when you had to look at beautiful actress everyday all day. She just wanted one person to tell her she was beautiful that they wanted her. She could feel the tears finally falling down her face, she knew no one would ever think she was amazingly stunning like some these plastic barbie's walking around this office. It was bad enough she was only one of the few women of color at this office, but then she had the nerve to be plus sized to. To say she didn't fit in here would be an understatement. Sure she had the big boobs and nice round ass but she also had thick thighs and nice round stomach to go along with it. Wiping the tears from her eyes she tried to shake the depressing thoughts from her mind. She had no idea why she keep harping on her looks like this. It was really starting to piss her off. And to be crying about it at work no less. Good thing no one really paid her any attention unless they needed something from her, or she would've felt really embarrassed if one of these little skinny bitches caught her in a moment of weakness.

Shaking herself out of these thoughts, she realizes that her phone is ringing, answering her phone before whoever it is hangs up, she's not at all surprised at who is on the other end. Before she can even get out a proper greeting the person starts in on her.

"JACKSON, what the hell are you doing right now."

"Sir, excuse me," Katrina said into the phone clearly surprised by the tone her boss was taking with her.

"Let me rephrase that, where are you suppose to be right now."

"Uh, at my desk going over the stuff for the meeting later."

"And, why are you going over stuff for the meeting Jackson." "Huh, would it because you are suppose to be picking up a very important person from the airport."

Just as he finished her sentence Katrina remembered that she was suppose go and pick up this big up and coming star that had flown all the way from Korea.

"Shit, sorry sir I'll get there right away to get him."

"Don't bother Jackson, I've already sent a car to pick him up, I'm thinking I should've done that in the first place, seeing as you're obviously have more important things to do then the job I'm paying you for.

Before she could even give a response to that comment he hung up.

After that conversation all Katrina wanted to do was crawl in a whole somewhere and die. Her day was just getting worse by the second. What else could possible go wrong today. She really needed to make sure she had everything ready for this meeting because she sure as hell didn't want her boss to think she couldn't do her job and end up firing her.

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