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So as you might've read in the description, this is a fanfic of a (pretty much) world-famous story: Storm and Silence.
You might've also read this one sentence that may or may not have gotten you curious and maybe a little mad about: Lilly is not the main character.

What's the sitch?

I was laying in bed one night, thinking about how much Storm and Silence affected and sorta ruined me, and then got me to stop liking it so much. I didn't know how exactly to put it, but my friend did it for me: Sir Rob's writing is great and all but the plot just doesn't seem to be as interesting as before.

Now, you're probably thinking one of the following two things:

'hahaha ur kidding rite? is she on meth? ...i think she's on meth lolololol'


'I agree with you! Wholeheartedly, Sir Rob's writing is fantastic, but I just don't feel as excited as I was when I first found SAS, you know?'

Yes. I do know. You're repeating what I just said, except adding more words. (:

Anyways, so I was thinking a lot and then BAM! A character appeared out of nowhere.

If you read all the tags in the description, you'll find four names that are out of place: Sasha Emrati, and Sam Woodson.
Not to worry.

She's the new character. In other words, my OC. My newest one. Sasha Emrati.
And her male name is Sam Woodson.

It took me a while to come up with a story about her, but then I figured it out. And it would make almost no sense yet also be completely fictional at the same time.

And now, once you get to the next chapter, everything will begin to make more sense, especially her background.

I will be plucking out random chapters from SAS itself, and rewriting them from a different sort of perspective. Many characters will not appear in this. (i.e Lilly, her aunt and sisters, her best friends, and others)

As always, all the characters and plots all belong to Robert Thier and Robert Thier ONLY.

Except for Sasha. She's mine XD

There will also be chapters from ITEOTS.

If you don't like the sound of this story, please feel free to stop reading, leave the book and remove it from your library (if you added it). We don't need your negativity on here. (:

For those who are willing to read it, scroll to the next chapter to begin.



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