14: Hoping For The Win

Start from the beginning

I lift a finger covering the center of her lip, "Shush, Gina. It's barely the second quarter of the year and you're worrying too early."

She glares swatting my hand away. "Oh well."

I lean over though and whisper, "Hey, do you know why Grey has lost the sweaters and sweatpants lately?"

She raised an eyebrow, "Really, Kev? She's growing into her body, learning to love it. And because Tristan had tried giving her a confidence boost that seemed to work."

"Tristan?" What the hell? I give Grey confidence boosts! Why is she doing it for him?

"Yep." The bell rings and Gina stands up, "Good luck with your game today though." She carries her things as she heads to her next class. Cute dork.

I grab my backpack and sports bag going to lunch, meeting up with Grey at our table with the other guys. Tristan hasn't arrived yet but that isn't too uncommon. Mark and Veronica sat together holding hands, but he was talking to Jackson and a few others. Tyler Otto was shouting about how the games this week meant life or death, yada-yada-yada. 

I eat the worst pizza of my life. Why does school pizza always taste like grease and cardboard? I drown my food down with chocolate milk as Tristan talks about this fight he saw with some former pro and Caster. At least I feel special enough that I'm the only person that knows Grey is Caster. Besides Kyle, he was smart enough to figure it out. HA! Beat ya there Tristan, I doubt she will tell you! 

"They was the greatest chick fight I've ever seen," Mark paused, "that didn't pull hair." 

"Oh god, chicks are brutal! I've never seen so much violence until girls fight each other," Tyler shivers at the thought. "Can you imagine getting your hair ripped out of your scalp?"

Instinctively, everyone grabs their hair tenderly and carefully thinking of the intense pain it would bring.  Thank god Grey didn't fight like that...she would just knock you out. Like she did with Ryan.

Veronica chuckles and shakes her head, "Guys, really? Chick fits are so rare."

"That's what makes them the best to watch!" Tyler grins.

"Guys have such weak fights in comparison to the girls. Girls are good at bottling it up but once they're mad..." Tristan drifts off.

I thought I should add something so I whistle, making it sound distant then add a boom at the end, like the cartoon sound affects are when a character falls from extreme heights.

Tristan nods, "Exactly."

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Grey sits down between me and Tristan with her food; just an apple and milk. 

I begin to say "Chick fights-"

"-And how they are the most terrifying thing ever," Tristan finishes.

I glare at him and Grey laughs, "No that's not that scary."

"What could be worse?" Tyler asks confused.

Grey looks up with a evil grin. Oh no. "If you guys lose, the drills and practices that will follow."

Yes. That is worse. Tyler, Mark, Tristan, and I all gulp. She laughs again. "Kidding!" she waves her hand grabbing her apple and taking a bite out of it. The guys knew though. If we lose, the consequences from Coach and Grey will break us. 

Mark clears his throat, "So uh, on a lighter note, homecoming is Friday."

Veronica nods hugging Mark's arm tightly. "It should be great! Grey, did you get your dress yet?"

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