"Where the hell have you been?" I stormed over to him and glared, Parker stood against the wall silent letting me talk. "You just run off because we find out about your boyfriend? Do you not trust us? You had us fucking worried out of our damn minds driving all around town looking for you. Your mom was freaking out. You hadn't told her either? What the actual fuck?"

There was silence after my rush of questions and statements filled with anger. Kyle inhaled deeply before responding. "I was somewhere trying to straighten out my thoughts and see what to do. I won't tell you where-" 

"Why not?"

"Because I won't. I'm sorry I had you freaking out. I talked to my mom and we talked. We're okay for now. And I do trust you. Both of you. I just didn't have the confidence to say it yet. As odd as that sounds. I didn't want to believe that I was gay, I didn't want to be that different. But I want to embrace my true self. I needed time to think things through. I'm sorry." Again with the silence. "You had a match tonight. How was it?"

I didn't answer him right away, I left his words hang in the still air. "I won."

"About damn time too," Parker added. I glared and Kyle laughed a little.

"Yeah it is about damn time."

"Oh shut up, both of you," I couldn't help but smile a bit. I looked at Kyle, "You know, I never would've suspected it. You didn't give off that vibe."

"Just because I don't have the stereotype feminine voice and incredible sense of fashion, doesn't mean I'm not gay. I mean, the guy who play Magneto in the X-Men is gay, along with Michael Sam and Jason Collins, both star athletes."

"Magneto is gay?" Parker said amazed. 

"Anyway, oh my god, you need to tell me how this match went!" Kyle forced the most awful gay voice I had ever heard in my fucking life. 

"No, just no," I shake my head and he just laughed a bit. 

"We good?" he had asked and I nodded. 

"Of course, just talk  to us next time before running out like a little bitch."

Kyle just rolls his eyes, "Fine."

We went to my room with a bag of chips and talked. Mostly random things. W" had talked about my match. "Caster had kicked him again. Not a knockout again but enough to hurt his ego a little bit," Parker chuckled which received a punch from me. 

"Whatever," I huffed and rolled my eyes. "She probably as much more experience with fighting anyway. I haven't had much at all. especially compared to all the people there tonight and will be there." I paused. "Kyle, I know you were looking into Caster's identity for awhile. Have you found anything else?"

His face was like stone, but it was cold. "No I haven't. Do you still want to find out who it is?"

"Yes. I do."


"Because I still want to know who the girl is that was able to knock me out with one punch."

Kyle looked down and played with his hands. "What will you do when you do find out who it is?" 

"I'll probably expose her," I shrugged.

"Dude, she's probably keeping her identity a secret for a reason," Kyle snapped back. 

"Like what? Anyone that could fight like that should be able to embrace it! She could probably be a pro if everyone knew who she was. Who wouldn't want that?

"Maybe she just doesn't want that life? Maybe she is doing it just to get some money. or to get her mind off of something."

I groaned, "Why are you fighting me on this?"

The Glorious Triumph - Previously {The Nerd Kicks Ass}Where stories live. Discover now