Chapter 3

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*2 Days Later*

"Nicole get up! You have about 2 hours before Andrew gets here to pick you up!" my mom yelled.

"What! What time is it?" I yelled pulling my iPhone out, it was 3:02 and I needed to leave at 5.

"3!" my mom yelled. I got up and grabbed shorts and a tank top. I ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I got out of the shower and dried off. I put my clothes on and pulled my makeup bag out and put my makeup on.

It's been about 1 hour, I walked into my room and took my clothes off. I put my dress on and tied my bow in the front, I really need to do my hair.

"Mom! Can you do my hair?" I asked her.

"Yep! Be right up." she called to me. My mom walked upstairs and into the bathroom.

"How are you gunna do my hair?" I asked her. "You'll see." she said smiling, my mom took out the brush, curling iron, hair spray, and a bobby pin. She turned the curling iron on and started curling my hair. After she curled my hair she pushed my hair back then took some of my hair and put a little bun on top of my head.

"I love it." I said smiling, she smiled and sprayed it with hair spray.

"Thanks." she said hugging me, my mom looked at her clock.

"Go put your shoes on! Andrew should be here any minute now." my mom said pushing me out of the bathroom. I nodded and walked into my room and put my flats on, they were black with bows on them. I grabbed my phone off the charger and walked downstairs into the kitchen, I grabbed a water bottle and started drinking my water.

"Nicole! Andrew is here." she shouted to me.

"Ok!" I yelled, she doesn't need to yell all the time. I walked out of the room and saw Andrew standing there with flowers, he was wearing a really cute tux with a blue tie and a flower. When he saw me his jaw dropped to the floor.

"You look... You look... stunning. So gorgeous." he said smiling.

"Thank you. You look handsome." I smiled.

"Picture time!" my mom yelled, I rolled my eyes. Not because of the pictures but she yelled... Again...

"Wait, let me fix my lip gloss." I said, I quickly fixed my lips gloss and me and Andrew stood next to each other and smiled, she took a picture of us.

"Now you guys have to kiss. I will take the picture then you can go." she said yelling.

"Alright. And mom no need to yell we are in the same room." I said, I turned to Andrew and he leaned and we kissed.

"Got it!" she said we let go and he wiped his lips.

"Why did you wipe your lips?" I asked giggling a little.

"Lip gloss on my lips." he said laughing.

"Alright you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yes I am." he said, we locked arms and walked outside to the car.


"Tickets please." someone asked us before walking in. We nodded and handed them our tickets and walked into the gym of our school.

"I'm gunna go find Aliya." I told Andrew before walking away. I looked around everywhere for Aliya but I couldn't find her, but I did find Austin.

"Austin, where's Aliya?" I asked him.

"Don't know." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Shouldn't you know where she is? You brought her here didn't you?" I asked him, putting my hands on my hip.

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