Actually, Maximo knew that Megatronus had destroyed it. He had not only given the pet to Solus Prime as a gift in return for the Apex Armor, but also used it as a spy. He had viewed part of the argument between her and her misguided lover through the pet's optics, until the poor thing was obliterated.

He continued confessing. "But I also wanted her to have this pet of hers in return for the Apex Armor which I had requested. Sadly she kept it and refused, so there is her seed for you. She became selfish and only Forged for herself. I wished for that armor because it makes its wearer practically invincible. I required possession of it for protection against my more rowdy beasts.

"Alas, I never managed to control them due to lack of the armor and a neglect to maintain their savagery, and their presence is now a threat. It would be very dangerous if any were to... escape. But we needn't worry too much, seeing as we have had to deal with savage malice before. As long as I keep them in their place, you have nothing to fear from them." He meant his words to be a slight threat, assuming the others understood the implication. And yes, he was slightly referring to Megatronus while speaking.

"I also have developed a special relic of my own. Because I was never given one such as the Star Saber or Lenses, I decided to fashion something more fitting for me. So I created the Liegian Darts. They truly can work wonders, so long as one understands their function. I should further explain them later, for they work as much more than simple weapons." He subconsciously fingered his right arm, where some of the various darts were stored.

"And as for my new apparel, I believe that with grand change in circumstances must come a grand change in appearance. I have elected to change my colors to those suited of a ruler because I believe such a circumstance may be necessary. I will not mince words much longer, because our dire situation is ever greater a threat. One of our own is deceased. Our secrets are exposed. Darkness plagues our minds. Lines are continuously drawn due to ever-increasing animosity. As the words on this chart imply, Prima is no longer fit to lead us, because he trusts no one and is himself a hypocrite. It seems none of us is worthy to rule, but let me ask this -- which of us is the least worthy? The one who has done the worst of us, the one most full of attributes of Unicron? We are all smoldering under tension of animosity, but what, or who, could become the likely spark? If I may speak for all of us, might I suggest... Megatronus?"

All optics turned to the mentioned Prime. Megatronus stood there, his blazing red eyes staring swords at the Liege Maximo. The guilt and shame that shone so clearly from them from his grief as Solus' death was gone. Another bot stood there, clearly desiring to cause harm to this royal-looking, silver-tongued speaker. Maximo knew his brother hated him right now, but was not going to show any fear. Perhaps any violence could be averted if Megatronus stayed calm and explained his secrets like the others did. Liege Maximo looked down at the ground, then fingered his arm. The largest three of his beasts were already lurking in the ground not far beneath them near the Tower. He was ready to free them if the circumstances required it.

"You all know that I was created to be like Unicron by Primus himself," Megatronus began, his optics still boring into that of Liege Maximo. "So, upon feeling a darkness greater than just my own, I naturally relished it. I enjoyed the sense of power I possessed, but always wanted... more. That ambition drove me to become something monstrous inside, something I failed to see in myself. I even harbored thoughts of insurrection against the rest of you. Yet only Solus Prime seemed to try to help me when all of you simply shunned me. And whenever anyone else reached out to me, it was to warn me of a danger I already knew or to get something out of me. Which is exactly what Liege Maximo did to me!" he screamed the last part, hands clenched into fists. "His own desires led to him using me to take from Solus, leading to our argument and her accidental death! Maximo is the true murderer!"

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