6. Our First Date

Start from the beginning

"You'll just have to wait and see."

Rin rolled her eyes but walked side by side with the man nonetheless. She had so many questions, so many things to sort out regarding him, that her head was clearly jumbled with unwanted thoughts. She felt a headache forming, her temples gently pounding, enough to handle for now.

"Where did you get that shirt?" Ruki asked, his thumb massaging her knuckles.

"Oh! I rented it from a small mall near my neighbourhood!" Rin said excitedly, staring down at her shirt.

"I had this shirt before you. I had rented it from a small mall near where you live as well. I wore it in an interview." The man said, giving her hand a squeeze. For some reason he felt awkward speaking about his current life and job. He was famous and she was in reality no one important; yet. He didn't have quite an easy job. He had left his house due to being rebellious until he started his band. He had been with lots of girls, who were practically falling to his feet for a bit of his attention, but Ruki knew better. These women wanted him and his band mates for their money. There were no true, pure out of love feelings in their intercourse. 

But with Rin it was different. This girl had been in love with him, when he was a nobody, when he didn't have money or fame. But what about now? She seemed like she still held feelings for him, but not strong enough to actually date him. But Ruki had made it his purpose to change that, to make her fall for him hard. that she wouldn't care about his fans. That she would travel around the world just to be with him.

"So about my job. What did you do?" Rin asked, oblivious to Ruki's shameless eyes, drinking her in. Her movements, the way her fingers gently twitched if he pressed his thumb against her knuckles; how she would suck in a deep breath when she felt him too close against her body, feeling his body heat.

"We have a talent agent on our building, so after hearing your cd, I immediately went to the agent and gave it to her. She heard it and said that you need more practice but you have talent. She'll definitely be your manager. Mrs. Sai is pretty good at her job." Ruki smiled and kissed Rin's temple gently. The man, gently tugged Rin towards the subway so they could go to their destination. Letting her hand go, to grab the beanie he had in his bag and wear it, Rin's hand suddenly felt cold. She quickly tucked it in her sweater. 

"Thank you about getting me a manager Ruki-san. I will forever be in your debt."

"Don't worry about it. Anything to get you to fall for me." Ruki said, a dazzling smile sprangling his face, making Rin blush and look away. The elder grabbed her hand, after he printed their tickets and led her towards the train they needed to take. The man took a seat, grabbing Rin by her waist, pulling her on his lap. The girl shifted uncomfortably, yet a warm feeling burned her insides as Ruki's arms wounded around her, holding her closer, and his face buried against the nook of her neck. "When we reach Yurakucho line, tell me okay?" Ruki mumbled, his cool breath making Rin shiver in delight and nod.

"Where are we going Ruki-san?" 

"You'll see." Was the man's only reply. Rin sighed and playfully nudged him. He chuckled slightly and closed his eyes, relaxing.

"Hard day today?"

"Kinda, we need to start working on our new album and the next year we are going on a tour." Rin stiffened at that. This probably meant that they wouldn't be able to see each other much, or maybe at all. But she didn't care, did she? He would forget her like he always did; concentrating on his job. Thankfully she wouldn't have to break his heart. That secret she held inside was getting unbareable; she didn't want to hurt two people because of her own indecisiveness. As if reading her thoughts, Ruki tightened his arms around her and whispered, "I'm not letting you go again." 

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