When Prima felt it, it only worsened his already moody apprehension. When Alpha Trion felt it, he almost knew what it meant. Someone had died, and he had a feeling he knew who. Liege Maximo experienced the same emotion as well, and realized that something terrible had happened, perhaps a snag in in his plans. Just what had happened he did not intend? All the others had the same sense of loss, as if it was a part of themselves that left them. And they were correct in that sense. For Solus Prime had become one with the Allspark. Right before the eyes of her lover and murderer, Megatronus.

He lay down by her, still sobbing. What had he done? How could he have done this? And why? These questions could not be answered even as they whirled through his head. One thing was for sure -- Prima would surely use this as proof of how "evil" Megatronus was. Would his twin even care for her death?

Then he remembered why he had come. He came here because of Liege Maximo. His fellow Prime had sent him to obtain something from Solus that she should not have given up. And during their argument, it had bloomed into a lover's quarrel that escalated until...

He had fired the Requiem Blaster and killed her. Realization flooded him, and he drowned in sudden wrath. This was all the fault of the conniving, plotting, infuriating, Maximo! The vile trickster would pay with his life for causing this! It was a lethal mistake of him to anger the mightiest warrior of the Primes, and he would show it to everyone!

He was just thinking this, with a newfound desire for murder when he felt the ground trembling around him. He looked around at the debris around him, vibrating on the ground. A shaking was coming from under the ground, right where Solus' body lay. Then the ground began melting beneath her. Frantic to keep her from falling to whatever was underneath, he stood up, picked up her body before it could fall, and began running from the growing hole in the ground.

It expanded as all the ground continued melting away from its starting point, folding inward to the planet's mantle, and it continued widening. The depth seemed to never end, passing all the inner working of the planet, through hidden tunnels, pipes of Energon that flowed to the surface, until what was the melted ground solidified, becoming a wall for the newly constructed pit.

Megatronus continued running for a few cycles, as the pit extended to a diameter of many miles, and finally escaped the hole's growth. He eventually slowed, and finally stopped as he laid Solus' corpse on the ground. His feelings were once again mixed, with his confusion added to it. What had just happened? But one more emotion was in him now, one he had not felt since the climactic struggle against Unicron.

Fear. Fear of what would happen next. He remembered the sculpture of Cybertron Solus had been creating. He had not been paying attention to what happened to it until he saw it among the wreckage. He had been running from the molten pit when he saw it. The figure of Cybertron, shattered, broken, and burning. It was a sign. It was going to happen, what he saw. And it terrified him. Especially the idea that the ruin of his homeworld would be caused by none other than him.

* * *

Prima stormed out of the main doors of the Tower of the Primes. He would find the thief of his hidden chart and bring them to justice! He would find out why he felt a sudden miserable despair thrown upon him. And he would find out who had caused the deep vibration across the planet's surface and tell them off for it!

Were the phenomena all connected? Was Megatronus up to something? Was another one of his brethren attempting to overthrow him? Were they Agents of Chaos, as he suspected them be? Prima stopped the questions, realizing that he was getting too paranoid. Becoming a constant companion with him, his paranoia had fueled many of his decisions and thoughts on everyone else. It kept him safe. He feared for everyone's safety, but also their potential. As long as they tried, anyone could make great differences, whether for better or worse.

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