"Whatever. I'm here now." I folded my arms and looked out the window. Mr Wilson let out a deep breath and rubbed his head. I was really giving him a hard time but I don't care. Next time he won't go kissing other women them moment I let my guard down for him.

The pilot came in and told us to prepare for take off and wear our seat belts properly. He could have used the tunnel but perhaps he's new and doesn't know about it.

"How many hours is the flight?" I asked the pilot.

"About two hours ma'am."

"Okay." There was no point sleeping through the flight because it was a short one. I guess I'm stuck with Mr Wilson for two whole hours.

After take off, I sat silently, looking at the clouds. I felt Mr Wilson move. He stood up and reached into the overhead bin.

"I want to use this time to brief you of what would be happening at the meeting tomorrow." He said while pulling out his flight bag.

He sat back down opposite me and opened his bag. I was surprised to see a Victoria Secret shopping back inside. What was he doing shopping at Victoria Secret?

I stifled my laugh but he noticed.

"In case you're wondering. The VS bag isn't for me. Its yours." He handed it to me.

"Really?" I was surprised. "You got something for me?"


"Thank you." I smiled so hard, my cheeks hurt. I couldn't help it.

Maybe thats why he came later than I expected. He was out shopping. I opened the bag, trying to hide my excitement.

In it was the most fetching black two-piece I've ever seen! The top was a halter neck while the bottom had strings. I fell in love with it immediately.

"You got me a bikini?" As much as I really liked the two piece, I found Mr Wilson getting me intimates very weird. He could have just bought me a bottle of perfume, like he normally does.

"In case you would like to use the indoor pool at the hotel, we'll be staying in Grand Rapids."

"Really?!" I squealed. Grand Rapids was a beautiful city in Michigan. I couldn't wait to be there!

I was suddenly happy I was going on a trip to Michigan. I had never been there before but Lily has and I remember her telling me it was a nice place. I should be feeling guilty for leaving my mum but it was her who spurred me on to leave in the first place.

"There's one more thing in the bag." He said.

I checked to find a little jewellery box.  I didn't know what was inside but I sure was nervous as hell!

I opened it to find a silver necklace with my name as the pendant, carved with pretty diamonds. This is one of the most beautiful things Mr Wilson has bought for me.

"Oh my god! This is so gorgeous!" I beamed. "Thank you so much! I've always wanted a necklace with my name on it. I love this."

"I'm glad you do. We'll only be in Michigan for two whole days, then we'll be leaving the next day." He said pulling out papers from his flight bag.

"If the meeting is tomorrow, does that mean we have an extra day?"

"Yes we do. We are meeting with the Sytner Group by 12pm. They've expanded their business to Michigan and they need more of our services in their new branch. I am going to inspect the place to see what facilities they would need. Also the branch manager is new so we would have to provide them with full security information and how they would go about it. I have already developed a presentation for the meeting and sent it to your email."

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