Chapter 12

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Adam Wilson

I slowly opened my eyes and as the strong smell of antiseptic filled my nose. I found myself laying down on a bed, in a room that was so bright. The light from the window reflected off the white walls, making me want to close my eyes again. I felt like I had been sleeping for months, but I was still tired.

I could also hear the beeping of a machine and slowly turned my head towards the source of the sound. The muscles in my neck were stiff and sore. I noticed Sophia sitting on a chair by the window, she was staring outside.

I spotted the machine that made the sound, it was a heart rate monitor. I was in a hospital. I tried to get up but the excruciating pain I felt in my chest held me back. I groaned due to the pain.

Sophia's head swiveled around quickly to my direction when she heard me groan.

"Mr Wilson! You're awake!" She rushed towards me, sitting on a high chair directly beside me. "How are you feeling?"

I tried to speak but my voice couldn't come out properly and my mouth tasted bitter.

"Water." I managed to croak out.

She quickly went to the table filled with supplies and got a glass cup. Beneath the table was a mini fridge and she got out a bottle of water. She poured some water into the glass and brought it to me.

"Here." She placed the cup in front of me and I drank some.

"Where am I?" I managed to speak.

"Franklin Hospital. It was the closest hospital to you when you got shot."

"Ugh, my chest hurts. It's so difficult to breathe."

"Sorry sir, the doctors said you will be completely better in about a few weeks but you could be discharged after 10 days."

"How long have I been out?"

"A day."

"A day?" I said in disbelief. "And you've been here all this while?"

She nodded.

"Ugh, go home Sophia. I don't want you seeing me like this."

"It doesn't matter. I'm here to take care of you." She insisted.

"I look terrible." All I can feel right now is pain within my chest and a massive headache. I don't want Sophia seeing me in this condition.

"Don't worry, you'll look fine very soon. You're going to need some food and maybe some new clothes. The suit you wore now has a bullet hole and blood stains on it. I could go and get some from your house."

"Are you with my wallet and keys?"


"You can go to my apartment in Manhattan. You'll get in with the blue key."

"Okay. I'll be back in a couple hours with a few supplies."

"Please pick up a bottle of whiskey for me on your way back." I needed something to ease the pain I'm feeling right now.

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