C: With work. I have to drag Sophie along to work with me or to that kid jail.

That's a good name to give it. Kid jail.

E: Well I could always watch her if you would ever need somebody.

My eyes widen at the thought. Is she offering? This is perfect, I can get to know her more. Albert might get a little jealous but he will get over it.

C: Yeah that sounds great! I'll give you a call sometime and we can maybe work out a time?

I smile and look out the window.

E: Yeah sounds good. I have to go now but call me anytime

My face drops but I quickly replied.

C: Yeah okay, bye

I smile and put my phone down on the table in front of me. I checked the clock to see it was 11:27 p.m. "not that late" I mumble while stretching my arms over and behind my head. I get up and walk to the fridge and open it to see if there was anything good. I'm not really needing anything but it would be nice to look. I decided against anything in the fridge and picked an apple out of the fruit basket in the middle of the island. I turned to pull a chair out. I jumped when I saw Sophia standing behind me.

"Kid what are you doing scaring me like that?" I asked while I held my hand over my heart. She gave me quite a scare.

"Can't sleep. Need food." She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sat in the chair I pulled out for me.

"Its not like I was going to sit there." She shrugged and later her head on the couner.

I walk over to the silverware drawer and grab a knife "Here" I push some apple slices over to her. She doesn't take even a second look before one piece is stuffed in her mouth and she is trying to eat another.

"Swallow first." I tell her and take a piece for myself.

We sat in comfortable silence for a good few minutes until she was full. I moved on to my second apple when she began to talk "Daddy where is your Daddy and Mommy?" I almost choke on my mushed apple and look at her.

"What?" I push out while trying not to spit apple on the table. She giggles at me and asks again.

"Where is your Daddy and Mommy?"

I scratch the back of my head "Well Daddy doesn't really talk to his parents."

"Why?" I pushed back the memories of my parents. If you could call them that. More like business partners.

"I don't get along with them very well. When you're older we can go into more detail but for now you need to get your tush up to bed." I point to the door.

She sits up and smiles "okay daddy but I sleep with you" I nod my head yes and watch as she leaves the kitchen and heads for the stairs.

I look at my half eaten second apple and think of the first day I met Sophia. She was running though the streets and bumped into me. I was at my new hotel for its official opening. She was just rags and bones at that point. I'm not sure anyone would have thought that I would have kept the little one. She is pretty cute though.

It's hard to think about my parents but I guess it's something that Soph is going to wonder one day. I mean, Soph doesn't even remember her parents right? Maybe I should call Mom and ask how she is doing? She would love to meet her grandchild. My Dad on the other hand might be a different story.

What's the worst that could happen?


Whoa guys I have been gone. First off I want to apologize for being silent for a while. Second I just want to tell you that I am on vacation for a little bit. I'm in Puerto Rico as I speak actually.

Anyone from Puerto Rico?

Well I just want to thank everyone for the likes and comments! It means a lot and I don't want you all to think that I forgot about you because I didn't.

Any who Peace Peeps ✌✌

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