He nods. "Weird, right? You guys move in to town, and all the sudden he's back after disappearing for three years. And going out with your mom, too."

    I put another chip in my mouth, the fresh flavor of salsa exploding in my mouth. I've never been a fan of peach salsa, but I must say, this one is great.

"A while ago, you said he was trying to get to you." I meet Logan's eyes. "That you have something that he wants. What do you mean?"

He finishes chewing and takes a sip from his Pepsi can. 

"I think he knew that you were going to be turned... Somehow." He says. "It might have even been him who turned you."

"And now he's with my mom." I say looking up at the ceiling. "Great." I finish sarcastically. 

    Neither of us says anything more. We eat, the only sound is the obnoxious sound of crunching tortilla chips. I'm not sure why, but the sound of people chewing has always disgusted me. I know it's never the person's fault, but that noise... Ugh.

    Logan stops eating suddenly and looks at me. He has a mischievous glint in his perfect blue eyes. 

"What?" I say, grinning at him. He smirks back. 

"Do you dance?" It is the most random question ever. 

"Do I dance?" I repeat his question, laughing. 

"Yeah." He stands up. "So do you?"

I burst out laughing at the fact that he is even asking me this. "No way! Absolutely not." He grabs my hand and pulls me up. "I do not dance."

    He pulls me through the kitchen. The cool tile against my bare feet makes me shiver. So much for not getting cold when you are a werewolf... 

     Logan pulls my out the sliding glass back door and onto our wooden deck. It's chilly, and the wind blows slightly. 

"What do you think you are doing?" I ask Logan, laughing still. 

      Around me, leaves float down in the wind and flutter to the ground. It's like a tornado of fall colors, red, brown, orange, has surrounded us. 

       The only sounds are that of nature, winter birds chirping, all the others have flown south, and the quiet sound of the wind pushing and pulling at the trees.

I look back to Logan when he speaks. "Let's dance."

      I don't really understand where his sudden urge to dance is coming from, but still. I'm not going to embarrass the crap out of myself by dancing with anybody. I have just about the same coordination as a blind duckling. 

"No!" I say, backing up from him, smiling. "I don't dance."

     Logan pulls out his phone and scrolls through it for a bit. Soft music fills the air and an angelic voice begins singing. It's Ed Sheeran, Autumn Leaves.

My jaw drops. "How did you know I love Ed Sheeran?!" I have never told him. Logan smiles. He sets his phone down of our little patio table. 

"I didn't know,  just hoped." He walks towards me. 

"Logan, I don't dance." I say. He only smirks and continues approaching me. Once he is just in front of me, he grabs my hands and moves them up to rest on his shoulders. He places his hands on my waist and gently starts to sway with the music. 

Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?

Float down, like autumn leaves. 

Hush now, close your eyes before the sleep. 

And you're miles away, 

And yesterday, 

You were here, with me. 

    The sweetness and all around randomness of this whole thing confuses me. "How did you even come up with this, anyways?" 

Logan chuckles. "Well, we were eating salsa and salsa is a kind of dance."

I burst out laughing. "Only you, Logan." 

     I gently rest my head on Logan's shoulder, taking in the pine and mint smell and listening to the gentle flow of the music. I close my eyes and feel the warmth of Logan, and the continuously rapid beat of his heart. He is so nervous right now, it's cute.

Is it that it's over or do birds still sing for you?

Float down, like autumn leaves. 

Hush now, close your eyes before the sleep. 

And you're miles away, 

And yesterday, 

You were here, with me. 

This is seriously the sweetest, most perfect thing ever. 

Ooh how I miss you, 

My symphony played the song that carried you out. 

And ooh how I miss you, 

And I miss you and I wish you'd stay. 

    I pull my head out from Logan's shoulder and meet his beautiful eyes. "You know, you really are the sweetest person I've ever met." I smile, and he does right back. 

   Logan's eyes flick to my lips for a second and slowly leans in closer, and closer until our noses almost touch. 

And you're miles away, 

And yesterday, 

You were here, with me. 

     He leans in further, and our lips barely brush. It's a sweet, gentle kiss, yet it beats the ones we had last week during truth or dare. I think it's because it wasn't really forced, just a natural thing this time. 

Touch down,

Like a seven four seven, 

Stay out, 

And we'll live forever now.


An adorably cute chapter for you :) The beginning was intense but I thought I would make the end sweet :) Do you like ones like this or would you rather have more suspense and cliffhangers all the time? Comment below what you think and don't forget to vote! :D The video on the side is the song, Ed Sheeran, Autumn Leaves. And the pic is what I was trying to image as the scene of them dancing :)


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