" Kit." Zayn watched at his hair water rippling through it.

" Yeah." He asked, letting himself splash the water on Stan's head.

" Water fun." Stan snatched the pipe from him and sprayed him right on his face. Zayn gasped turning his head away. Startled, he coughed the water that he had managed to inhale.

" Stan stop." He raised his hands in front of himself, in a miserable attempt to shield himself from the water.

" Sit down, Kit. Now I shower you." Stan diverted the direction of the water, giving his cousin the time to sit.

" Okay but not on my face." Zayn sat down crossing his legs together. Instinctively, he let his eyes close sighing when the water hit his head, slipping down his shoulders.

" No burning now." Stan chuckled balancing the makeshift shower in his hands so that he wouldn't drop it on his friends head. Zayn was completely relaxed, almost feeling himself turn into the puddle that sat around him.

" Stan! Kit! What are you doing?" Zayn fluttered his eyes open at Hera's voice. The youngest daughter of Fiona stood at the front door, a mischievous tint to his expressions. She was wearing a yellow summer dress, that was pressed to perfection. The makeup on her face giving a plastic vibe to her nine-year-old persona. Zayn grimaced as Stan let the pipe loose and it hit his head forcefully.

" No! Go Away." He screamed jumping towards his sister. Zayn rubbed his head, shuddering at the pain waves that passed over him.

" But I want to play too," Hera exclaimed straightening her posture a bit.

" No!" Stan pushed her away." I don't want to play with you!" He shrieked hiring her full force when she tried to get past him. For a three-year-old, the ravenette was quiet a fierce lad.

" But you let him play with you." She looked at Zayn with a look he could only decipher as jealousy.

" He's my friend!" Stan yelled stretching both of his arms like an aeroplane.

" I am your sister!" She retorted back, angrily.

" I don't like you. Go back now, b- Hera. Go back." Zayn smiled, ignoring the pain in his head. Proudness soared his heart at the thought that Stan had kept his promise. Hera misinterpreted his smile giving him a dirty look before turning away and walking back.

For a moment the only thing Zayn wanted was to go back upstairs and cuddle up to his papa.

However, Louis was not home and he had told his son to stay downstairs until he returned. Slouching, a Zayn let his gaze fall to his lap.

" Kit, let's play now?" Stan hooked his hands under his shoulders helping him stand up. Zayn smiled at him nodding at the question that sparkled in those black eyes.

" I'll run you catch me," Zayn said before breaking out into a sprint. Stan laughed running after him, the smile constant on his lips. His hair had already started drying sitting in front of his forehead falling into his eyes.

" Slow down, Kit! I'm smaller. You catch me first." He panted, stroking his hair away from his eyes. Zayn stopped nodding at him before turning the direction of his movement and following the younger lads pace.

" Stanny, I'm gonna get you." Stan yelped as his cousin got dangerously close to catching him, ducking his head to get away. Zayn raised his hand forward to get closer to the lad but as little as he was, he was very fast and got away every time.

" Kit." Stan panted slowing down a little, clearly worn out. Zayn took this as the opportunity to get the pale but as he got closer. Stan started running again, this time towards the front door. The three-year-old climbed the two steps up and ran inside.

Reticence ( Kid!Zayn) ( Larry Family)Where stories live. Discover now