"Alright, fine!" She shook her head at me. "Let's get to the point. What's going on?"

I told her what happened. She listened to every word I said, not interrupting once. My voice did not crack once, because I was done crying over him.

When, I finished, my grandma took me into a tight hug.

"Baby, he ain't worth it." She said lowly into my ear. "Don't you dare be down on boys who don't deserve your attention. Me and your mamma thought you better than that."

She lifted my chin up so I could look into her eyes. "You have to smile. Smile in front of him, and make sure he knows he ain't hurting you. You are turning into a strong and beautiful young woman. You'll know the right guy when you meet him. And you'll know because he'll treat you exactly like the queen that you are."

I smiled at her. "Thank you, grangma."

She glared at me playfully. "Girl, you know you're not suppose to call me that. You make me feel old." She swats at my arm and I laugh. She joined in and we just sat there, laughing at everything and anything.


I walked to my locker the next day. Quickly, I took out the things I'd need for my fist class.

I speed walk to one of the girl's bathroom. When I get in, I let out a sigh of relief. I was alone. I didn't want to see any of my friends. And I definitely did not want to see Alex.

I tied my curly hair up, and looked at my outfit in the mirror. I looked good, I guess. I was wearing jeans, a red and white striped shirt, and a long white cardigan.

As I thought of yesterday's event, I grew angry. I wasn't sad anymore. Nanna made me see that I should  never be sad over something like that.

Alex was going to get a piece of my mind pretty soon.

I managed to ignore my friends during my classes. They didn't seem to mind, unlike how I expected them to react. I was hoping they would get sad about me ignoring them soon.

But who was I kidding? I was dealing with Asia. She wasn't one to apologize. She treated you with the silent treatment if you gave it to her. She had that grip on Lexi, too, making her do exactly the same.

I felt so upset. I knew what they were doing. They were going to wait for me to break and go to them, and I'd be the one who was sorry. Even though I had no reason to be apologizing for.

But I wasn't going to. If I went up to them, the only reason would be to confront them. I wasn't apologizing.

I took a deep breath, suddenly realizing that I was going to Ms. Majors classroom. I was about to face that stupid liar. But my body was being incredibly stupid, because I still felt a chill go through me at the thought of him.

I walked into the class. He was already there. His eyes were on me already, and unblinking. His eyes were blank. I scowled at him, even as the chills went though my spine.

I always sat on the desk next to him. But I decided, I wouldn't today. As I walked pass him, I expected him to try to make conversation or trying to deny what happened. But he didn't. Instead his eyes looked away from me and he ignored me completely.

What a jerk.

I hardly payed attention to the lesson. I was so pissed off. Now, he was ignoring me. He wasn't trying to deny anything. He just ignored me! It made me felt like I was nothing. Like, I didn't even deserve an explanation.

Maybe he was under Asia's silent treatment spell to, just like Lexi. If that was true, it wouldn't be a surprise.

"Monica, are you paying any attention to what I'm saying?" Ms. Major suddenly scolded. "You look like your in outer space, young lady."

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