Intimacy and An Adventure For Three

Start from the beginning

"I have the urge to bite that." He suddenly growled, low enough for me to just hear and Raif to think all Mikhail did was imitate a lion.

The heat rose to my face quicker than a volcano exploding, Mikhail noticed and smirked slightly before turning back to my brother. While he continued with his interrogation I couldn't help but feel flustered.

That sentence was so...intimate.


Wait no, not Astaghfriullah! We're married!

An accidental squeal erupted from my lips at the thought of Mikhail saying that without bringing any haram-ness upon us both. Raif and Mikhail stopped their arguing and gave me a look, I blushed and waved them away, "sorry sorry ignore me, go ahead with your yelling."

And they did just that completely forgetting what I had just done. After a few seconds of inwardly calming myself down by telling myself that he must've been hungry and there was a food sign behind me somewhere that he referred to, I turned my attention back to the pair.

"I know you have them!" Mikhail was saying with tiredness lacing his tone.

"I have nothi- oh wait what's this," he looked down and lifted his shoe up, right under the sole lay two keys on a chain, clearly the keys to Mikhail's car. Raif had a surprised voice yet Mikhail said, "you were hiding them under your shoe the whole time Raif seriously?!"

Raif rose his hands in surrender, "I promise I wasn't," he pauses and slowly bends down and picks them up, a cheshire grin appears on his face as he says, "but now I see why I could have taken them!" He then suddenly yells before dashing past me, almost taking me down on the way.

Mikhail puts his hands out to steady me but I make sure to regain my balance before his hands can make contact, just so my body doesn't flush red again (cons of a period of course: hormones are extra crazy).

Mikhail and I watch him run, "see that's the thing about my brother," I start, "he may talk smart yet he's so crazed up about reaching his goals that he fails to realize the most intellectualist things."

"Such as?" Mikhail asks with a grin, "such as that the frikin car is right beside us and he took the keys only to run to the wrong jeep," I say.

Mikhail and I oblige to a moment of silence for the idiotic Raif before bursting out in laughter as we see his grumpy form make his way back to us. "Shut up and open the door," he mumbled angrily, throwing the keys at Mikhail.

Mikhail and I shared a humorous look before opening the car doors for ourselves, I sat upfront but then Raif also came in and I had to squeeze myself in the middle, my breath getting stuck in my throat every time my shoulder brushed against Mikhail's.

"Why do you look like you're constipated?" Raif mumbles as he grabs one of Mikhail's hoodies from the backseat and pulls it over his naked chest.

I cough and fan at my face as Mikhail smirks, and I swear upon all things good in this world that he then purposely shifts closer to me.

"I'm good, I'm good." I reply trying to scoot closer to Raif.

What is Mikhail playing at?

Why is he showing signs of potentially, maybe, slightly, having a 'like' towards me?

I gave myself a mental facepalm.

Mikhail has always been like this, just because our lips touched does not mean he had any emotional feelings during or after the process. Stupid.

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