Ch. 39 My plans are failing...

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"Sir! The prisoners are free! And Liana is awake, and heading towards you as we spea-" the head guy. Ugh!!!! I knew Sam would save Liana, but not this quickly! I will send my zombies to kill them. But before I could do anything, someone punched me hard in the face. It was Liana, and she looked like she wanted blood.

"This ends.. Now!!!!" Liana yelled. We fought with all our powers, but Liana was too strong, but she was very weak. We fought to see who could get the upper hand. Back and forth, and we were even, until i finally broke it.

"I have got you now! Who will help you now?" I said crazily standing on her arm.

"We are!" I turn my head quickly, only to get kicked in the face. Liana's friends had came for me.

"I will destroy everyone if it is that last thing I'll do!" I screamed.

But little did I know that, that never happened.

The Zombie Apocalypse ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum