Ch. 29 Conflicts?

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Introducing Klaus, one of Sam's friends

Why is breakfast always taste like crap at school? What can you expect? We are running out of supplies. Here comes Sam. Sam looked worried and told me to gather all of our friends to meet up in the library.

"Has anyone seen or heard from Haley S.?" Sam began to say. Liana shivered at the sound of her name, almost everyone knew the war between them.

"We don't know, the last time we saw her was the day the first zombie was spotted." Aaron replied. The time we saw the first zombie was about 3 months ago......

"Liana!" Danny yelled while running in the library. "We found her precise location. It was the same place Sam was held captive."

"But....." Liana began to say worryingly, "That is impossible! I thought Rachel destroyed that lab. But.......!!!!!!" Liana finished with a terrified look in her face.

"What's wrong Liana??? Tell me." Sam said as he touched her shoulder. Liana grabbed my wrist and Brandon's arm, and Brandon quickly followed. So I went with my instincts and followed them. As she grabbed our wrists again, we saw the dream about the plan that someone was planning about her and Sam. Liana got super scared, and started crying. Brandon and I just hugged her and then I left quickly. Should I tell Sam?

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