Ch. 27 Could it be?

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I jolted up from the floor. Who could that have been that I saw. Could that have been Haley? It's too uncertain to tell. Immediately, Liana woke up and told me the dream that she had.

"That is so weird! I think I saw who she is. The person that you are scared that the most..... Haley S. You are almost archenemies or even rivals. So it would make sense, but I don't get it. Why target the whole school for just one person?" Sam pondered.

"She hated alot of of people at it would make sense if she targeted the whole school. Plus, she wanted to hurt me, and ruin everything that I love...." Liana responded

" Well... I'm not going to allow that to happen", I said while rubbing Liana hand trying to reassure her. "What did you do that made her hate you so much?" I slowly start to wonder.

" She thought I would support her for something, but I didn't want to, she didn't deserve it. She was acting like a cry baby, and immature about the situation. So I supported the other side of the problem. She got upset, and started to bully me everyday after that. That is why I'm scared of her. She has anger issues, she can be mentally unstable if you aren't careful enough......" Liana said solemnly.

I walked up to hug her tightly knew how afraid she was whenever Haley was in the same room with her. Everyone made sure they weren't in the same room together, like ever! Even if the was like 20 people in the same room with them, Haley would try to hurt Liana. She was always at each other's throats, better yet, blood.......

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